[hider=James Emerson] Name: James Emerson Age: 16 Appearance: [img]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--b_sCBCE0--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/18go05h2hs7a0jpg.jpg[/img] Group: The Birds Personality: James is a friendly person who is trusting of most people but is not one to be taken lightly because he is cunning, He does not mind using dirty tricks when he is dealing with humans. He has masochistic tendencies loving to be hurt but has a strong fear of fire ever since the incident. Weapons(optional): Double barrel shotgun, Military knife, and a Remington Model 799 Bio(Three sentences at least.): Before the the incident happened James was just a high school student and when the incident happened he was taken hostage by some raiders and then set on fire along with his brother. So now he mostly explores the land looking for somewhere to call home. Theme song(optional): [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SKB6HKJnwQ&t=61s[/url] [/hider]