[center][h1][b]Albert Prelati[/b][/h1] Interacting with: Berserker ([@Grey]), Saber, Leon, Takumi & Togami ([@vancexentan]), James ([@Shadow Daedalus]), Brynhilda ([@Loki Odinson]), Jonathan ([@BubbleGumKing]), Amina ([@Phase Transit]) [h2]Fuyuki Church - 6:31 PM December 1st, 2012[/h2][/center] [hider]Albert frowned at the priest. "Mon dieu, ze 'Prince Albert' zing was a [i]joke[/i]. You know, 'do you 'ave Prince Albert in a can'? 'Onestly..." Then he received the feedback from Berserker and just about died standing up. [color=ed1c24][b]"GREETINGS LURKERS. CARE TO JOIN US?"[/b][/color] Stunned by both the volume and the sheer audacity of his Servant's exclamation, Albert had to take a moment to recover before he hissed, [i]Ma chère! What ze 'ell do you zink you are doing?![/i] That's when that obnoxious brat Togami opened his rancid croissant socket again. Frustrated beyond belief by the persistent annoyance, Albert couldn't decide what would take priority, chewing out his overly-excited Servant or plumbing Togami for information. The sooner he could be free of that bloody twat the better... Concentrating, Albert divided his mind into pieces, two chambers realizing their existence with a ripping sound he could hear with a sense beyond his own eardrums. One he devoted to continuing his conversation with Berserker. The other he used to continue listening to Togami. [i]Ma chère,[/i] he said patiently, despite his obvious frustration. [i]What did I say about remaining inconspicuous? I appreciate your enzusiasm, but zis is not ze time for zeatrics! We aren't going to learn anyzing if you blatantly start making zem parade before you like a goddamned circus troupe! Zey would 'ave to be idiots for zat to work![/i] He thought about it for a second, looking back on the circumstances that had brought them here. [i]... on second zought, I'll leave you to it. Report back to me if you learn anyzing else useful.[/i] He considered what she'd gathered so far. The man at the door was a Servant, hmm? He hadn't gotten a good look at him. Hadn't bothered to, but it was surprising he could pass for human so well. Come to think of it he hard a time recalling even the most basic details about his face. Presence Concealment, perhaps? No, more likely some sort of personal skill or Noble Phantasm. Presence Concealment functioned more like total invisibility, not obfuscation. Besides, the description of some honorable yet inscrutable knight given to him by Berserker made him doubt the involvement of Assassin. Assassin would never just stand out in the open guarding a door. But a knight class with limited stealth capabilities... that was a terror-inducing idea. A bit of paranoia might be justified going forward. What was almost as worrying was the Servant using large-scale magecraft that Berserker assured him was most definitely not Caster (at least not a normal one). Presence Concealment and magecraft? What kind of heroic figure fit that description? Even more worryingly, they had the gall to use it here? That mean whatever they were doing, which even Albert was becoming aware of, was far from what they were truly capable of. A knight class with stealth abilities and a Servant proficient in both magecraft and the art of assassination. These were not foes to be taken lightly. He'd have to make an effort to either ally with them or discern possible signs of weakness. Both would be preferable. Other than that, she'd detected another Caster, which may aid in discerning the class of the mystery Servant looking in the woods, and a number of indistinct others "skulking about". Others which she'd attempted to summon in the least subtle way possible. He sighed. At least she'd taken his command about keeping their names a secret to heart. As a matter of fact, [i]he'd[/i] been the first one to break that rule. Better not tell her... He became briefly aware that Togami had ceased his endless expulsion of verbal garbage, and decided to merge his two rooms of thought, absorbing the knowledge he'd gathered from listening to the other Master prattle on. [i]A pent'ouse suite... and I can look you up on ze internet. Very kind of you, Mr. Togami. I'll be sure to do zat,[/i] he thought, trying to repress a smile. [i]For a man who says he doesn't make a lot of mistakes, you sure are letting zings slip tonight, aren't you?[/i] "Hmm?" he said, appearing convincingly distracted as he set aside his own thoughts for later. "I'm sorry, what was zat? I wasn't listening. It's 'ard to 'ear you over all ze caked on layers of insufferable smug. I guess being nouveau riche like your family is means you take a lot of pleasure in 'earing yourself talk, no?" Of course he could be dropping him false hints. [i]Could[/i], but he doubted it. Besides, he could always check it out first if he was unsure about anything. When it came to surveillance and reconaissance, his abilities were top notch amongst the Masters in this war. Of that he was already sure. They'd need to bring in Caster or Assassin if they wanted to deceive his eyes (all 160, 234 of them), and Togami didn't look like the type who'd be satisfied summoning anything less than Saber. Albert turned and looked at the priest. "Well, Fazzer Walter, while I can't say it 'as been a pleasure, I zank you for your 'ospitality nonezeless. My Servant seems to like it 'ere for some reason, so I suspect I shall be seeing you again soon enough. Until zen, au revoir. I 'ope you'll forgive me if I send Mr. Togami 'ere first. I can only imagine what living wiz 'im must be like." He chuckled. "Zen again, you might not have to. Depending on what state I send 'im 'ere in, zat is." With that, he walked out into the night, surprisingly eager to see what kind of trouble his Servant had stirred up. "Remember!" he shouted down the staircase. "Eleven o'clock! [i]Be[/i] zere!"[/hider]