Emry sat frozen in fear, gaping at the eruption of violence around her. Even when Solomon tried to snap her out of it, she wouldn't move. [i]We have to save our friends![/i] came that daring childlike voice. [i]C'mon, it'll be AWESOME![/i] Somehow, the small voice drowned out everything else. Before she knew it, Emry was grinning, enjoying the adrenaline rush as her small frame weaved and ducked around all kinds of battling Pokemon. After a moment of alarm, Solomon sprinted beside her, shielding her from a couple stray attacks that flew their way. Though there was still much distance between her and Kaze, Emry [i]knew[/i] she would soon heal him and be a hero! While panicked people had began to stream out of the unstable cavern, Pokemon determined to capture a murderer continued to pour toward the center of the arena. The cloaked man fought back with powerful blurs of martial arts, but the sheer number of foes was beginning to overtake him. With a flash of light, the man released a Pokemon. For a second, the Charmeleon looked overwhelmed by confusion at the ensuing chaos. But soon she leaped into action, scorching a Pokemon who had its jaws clamped around her trainer's ankle. Suddenly, the Charmeleon reeled back from a dizzying water attack. The cloaked man blocked another from hitting Alain, and still another splashed across the Avatar of Yveltal's feet. The assault happened so quickly, the attacker blended back in with the crowd before the Charmeleon or her trainer could see what... or who... it was. As the gray-clad man scanned the area, his veiled eyes stopped on Vuduin. Perhaps he recognized the Avatar... or perhaps it was a good guess, informed by the dark type's style of dress. [h3]"HELP HIM!"[/h3] the cloaked man pleaded, his thunderous voice sending three of the nearest Pokemon tumbling backward. [h3]"GET A REVIVE!"[/h3] Right as the words left his mouth, a pink Pokemon interposed itself between Vuduin and the medics' area. With an expressionless face, Porygon-Z let out a series of unintelligible beeps. While the details of its communication were rather lacking, it gave a strong impression that Porygon-Z did not intend to let Vuduin pass.