[@Silver Carrot] To the best of my knowledge from their post right now and a previous one in another thread, [@Terminal] has pretty much the same attitude as I do regarding the way that the forums should be categorized as opposed to the way they are. I consider myself an exclusively 'Advanced' forum role-player, and this has nothing at all to do with my writing level (which, frankly, I don't care about other people's opinions of for the most part), but rather the fact that I don't believe role-playing is something people should half-arse. It's a form of art that should be treated with passion and a community activity which should be treated with dedication -- very few things are more irritating to me than flaky players (or GMs) who just up and abandon projects or threads, or who don't make an active effort to give a project their best, regardless of their skill level (because generally speaking those who actually have dedication will improve; those who don't won't). Unless you've got specific questions regarding things you're concerned might make it difficult for you to transition (which you're free to ask me -- I'll respond, since I only didn't respond to this before Terminal because I didn't know the thread existed), you should do as previously suggested and let your commitment level be the deciding factor. If you'd like to, but currently don't have enough time, then perhaps wait until you've got that time.