Before Jessica got far enough along to actually begin tuning her instrument, she found herself interrupted by a voice from the large monitor. The face there was familiar, and she joined the others in smiling as she paid attention to what was being said. If it was coming from Eriko then it was probably important. Then again, given the situation she probably would have listened anyways. She held still as the fans departed the room, leaving the idols alone. Even though she understood why, and knew it was only for good, she couldn't help but get a chill at the sight of so many people leaving in unison like that. It was just creepy to her, that's all. With them gone a trio of individuals appeared, indicating that they were coaches who seemed to focus on specific areas. If the weird names they had were any indication to her. With that they went about explaining what was going on here, much to her surprise. So it was some sort of competition then, to determine who the best idol was? Unorthodox, but she supposed she was game for it. How bad could it be? That in mind she made no effort to take out her stuff, instead waiting until her name was called. She stepped up and took an armband before heading backstage for her team room. This was definitely going to be interesting, that was for sure.