[@DeadlyPhoenix] Tom nodded, grinning dumbly. He then shook his head. Extra affection for teammates wasn't good. He looked at his watch. "2:59, let's go!" He burst out of the car, rushing the wall of the White House. He pulled out his bolt cutters and put a gap in the fence. He jumped and rolled through, his M4 raised. 90 percent of the guards weren't properly trained, and the other 10 percent would be terrified of him. He was unseen for now, so he guarded the others that were coming through the gap. By now, a guard had ran up to Tom, and all he had to do was fire his pistol. Tom rammed the gun into the guy's face, a spurt of blood coming from the guard's nose. He was out cold. Tom whooped, and charged at the rest of the approaching enemy.