[center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE1OC41NjBiMWEuVEdGNllYSjFjdywsLjAAAA,,/making-a-list-checking-it-twice.regular.png[/img] [b]*Munch Munch Munch Crunch* *Swallow noise* *Loud Burp*[/b] Straightening up, one hand on his back and with the other he conjured a napkin and courtly wiped his lips. With a formal stance and tone he started:[color=8B008B]"First, allow me to say that your snakes are exquisite. A breed of this kind..you can only find it in your home. So thank you for the meal."[/color] Saying that he added in a dissmisive manner:[color=8B008B]"And no, I don't know any witch tubers or test hunters."[/color]- while switching his attention from the snake girl to his bag of snakes. Opening the bag he picked 2 little snakes before closing it again. Eating one snake as a spaghetti string he started observing the snake human. She smelled familiar, well maybe not she herself but some smell here was triggering his memories. [color=8B008B]"Hmmmmm"[/color] [b]*Sniff Sniff*[/b] [color=8B008B]"Definitely remember this fragrance, is this a limited edition parfume?"[/color]- the clown added as he breathed the air around him deeply, which also included a lot of poison. At that moment his body froze, muscles spasming as he stopped in his tracks. His super regenerative ability would easily have outhealed the damage the poison/toxin caused to his muscle cells but doing what he did, snorting half the damn poison in one go, it would take a few more seconds for the healing to begin taking effect, definitely enough for the woman to land a lethal attack. [color=8B008B]"Ouch"[/color]- he murmured as his body stiffened beyond comfortable levels. [/center]