[hider=Hiro Takeda] [b]Appearance:[/b] [url]http://m.imgur.com/NvIEcL8?r[/url] [img] http://www.zbrushcentral.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=315586[/img] [b]Hero Alias:[/b] Compression [b]Name:[/b] Hiro Takeda [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Height:[/b] 5"6 [b]Weight:[/b] 125 lbs [b]Personality/background:[/b] when his powers first appeared he caused an aquarium to collapse from the water pressure, at first people thought his quirk was the controlling of water like his mother who could freeze and melt water at will, but then at age ten he accidentally caused another persons school project to collapse even though the project was comprised of plastic bottles without water. after moving near Komei academy, because of his fathers' job as a teacher at another school close by, and seeing the possibilities of his quirk, Hiro realised his dream of becoming a hero, he pursued it. In elementary Hiro was outgoing and popular, his quirk was by far the coolest in his class, he was always showing off his ability to crush bottles and squeeze lemons dry with pressure, almost as if it were steamrolled, he would sometimes pull pranks on the teacher by destroying his chalk and smudging the board. When help was needed among classmates he'd try to help wether or not he even could, by the end of elementary he was the most popular kid, the most helpful and trustworthy and the coolest. At last he'd finally made it into Komei, now starts his training to become a hero. [b]Quirk:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Nixukinesis [b]Classification:[/b] Emitter [b]Description:[/b] the manipulation of pressure. This quirk allows the user to crush objects from afar, to make water/air hard enough to stand on (not freezing) and to make light taps feel like heavy punches. In combat pressure can be used to, as I said before, make light taps feel like punches. This is not to be confused with Midoriyas' power "all for one" which harnesses the strength of past users, this changes the pressure of a punches impact, a punch isn't really needed at all. It can be defensive as well, he could change the pressure of the impact like it were his own punch, compress a bullet and even even force an enemy to stop moving. However, there are downsides, the user can only pressurise as much as he can psychologically handle, compress too much and he will have a massive headache as well as be unable to use the quirk for a few hours. Depressurise too much and he will feel very light headed and faint. In terms of area he can only use around three meters at most, if he uses a less amount of area he can maximise the pressure without having a massive headache. Abilities include (note: these are representations of what he can do after going to komei) Pressure strike. Air/water walking and running Extreme compression orb (orb of compressed air which can be very harmful to the body, like a small Ursus shock). Frozen space (an aoe, solid air capable of freezing a person in place) this could cause a massive headache if used. Breaking/dead space (an aoe, extremely compressed air capable of killing someone or breaking a limb) this is very harmful to both the user and the enemy, using break space can cause a concussion... dead space can kill the user. For now Hiro can only use a less powerful version of the compression ball, which can still hurt people, and air walking. [b]Talents:[/b] baseball! Karate! Strong mind! (After all of his headaches, definitely) [/hider]