While looking at the hologram of the Britannian base Fenrir thinks over the plan again and again in his mind. Silently he cracks his knuckles and looks at the General and Jack, [color=0076a3]"I agree with my betters General and master Jack and would like to ask that we be dismissed so we can prepare for combat."[/color] The corners of his lips turn up in a small smile as he thinks of the redemption he might be able to achieve and the privilege to work with the W-1 team. Calmly he looks at Robert and in practiced French says, [color=0076a3]"J’ai hâte de travailler avec un scientifique de renom comme vous, Monsieur Robert. J’espère qu’un jour nous pourrons discuter un intérêt mutuel à un certain minéral spécial."[/color] He looks to the lovely Shiomi and smiles warmly. [color=0076a3]"I hope our blades never cross on the field of battle Kage-hime and one day perhaps we can learn more of each-others' story."[/color] He says in nearly perfect Japanese and winks [color=0076a3]"We both serve the Six Houses of Kyōto in would seem and I hope your Lady is in good health."[/color]