[center] [h2][color=a187be]Avalon[/color][/h2] ~~~ Now, it wasn't as if she was going to admit it to anyone, but Avalon found herself enjoying Emmerich's company... At least for the moment. She wasn't one to go around making friends, but never before had she encountered a person able to sync themselves with her movements so easily. Each could understand and anticipate the other's next moves, creating a fluid transition between each of their attacks. Quite literally, the pair danced about the battlefield striking down foes left and right. An odd sight to be sure, but then again, most hunters were focused on themselves for the time being. Glancing up to meet the man's gaze as he held her closer, Avalon used her other senses to target and strike at impending dangers. [color=9e0b0f]"Power, grace, beauty and technique! You captivated my eyes and heart, mein faulein! You move with such a wonderful and deadly grace! I've never had a partner who could keep up with my movements as you do. My name is Emmerich, Emmerich Jaeger."[/color] The smallest of smiles tugged at the corner of her lips as she listened to him speak, fascinated by his accent yet even more so his name. "[color=a187be]Jaeger huh? Sounds to me like you were destined to be one of us.[/color]" She commented, holding his gaze confidently. "[color=a187be]And technically, you were the one to approach me. Wouldn't that mean [i]you[/i] were keeping up with [i]me[/i] instead?[/color]" The woman smirked, listening as another head went rolling across the ground, it's lost body collapsing onto the ground. "[color=a187be]I suppose it is only fair that you should know my name after sharing your own, but that doesn't make us friends... Understand? It's Avalon, Avalon Shire.[/color]" She spoke curtly, finally turning her gaze back to the gnomes surrounding them. It was as if there were no end to them, and even she was bound to tire out eventually. Another hunter who had entered the fray seemed to reach his limit a lot sooner, overwhelmed by the sheer numbers and an incompatible fighting style. She heard the sound of teeth sinking into flesh and a cry of pain, managing to catch a glimpse of the man as he stabbed at the creature. It eventually let go but the man was covered in blood, a mix of the creature's and his own. Avalon whistled, calling Leo back to her side within a matter of moments. The great beast seemed to be enjoying itself, panting as he wagged his tail. Nodding in the direction of the injured man, Leo bolted off and attacked the group moving in on him. Until he could reach safety, Leo would protect him from the creatures. At least that's how it was supposed to go anyway. In reality, Leo stopped a few feet shy of the man, snarling and barking at him like he had at the gnomes in the beginning. "[color=a187be]Leo?[/color]" She called out, promptly ignored by her furry companion. [@Ellion][@13org][@Deos Morran][@shagranoz][@Rune_Alchemist][@Random NPC Dude] [/center]