Pano had been walking along peacefully enough with the group until he nearly tripped over himself at the sound of the explosion emanating from a trash can. He decided to pay it no mind as it seemed it had been the Daxamite who had caused the issue and him simply being from Daxamite was an excuse enough to be ill-equipped to handle some of the foreign technologies that Earth had to offer. Momentum adjusted his pace so that he was walking beside Bulk Lad. Pano felt an innate bond with Dai simply due to their common interest in superheroes and this made Dai one of Pano's closest teammates, though wether this held true with Dai as well had yet to be seen. "In all honest" Pano whispered to Dai "I'll bet those other recruits just got lost or had somewhere else to be. Not everything is overly complicated or the fault of Brainiac 5." Pano said, letting his two cents on the matter be heard by his closest company. Pano was very flustered about Brainiac betraying the Legion since on the one hand he didn't know the former hero very well and as such didn't have any first hand personal ties to him but when Pano used to watch the Legion's escapades in heroics, he wouldn't even be able to imagine them without the team's local egghead. Pano was hurt on a deeply emotional level by the hero's betrayal but he still had a sliver of hope for the rouge robot. Lately Pano had been using his what free time he had looking through all of the data the HQ still had on Brainiac in the hopes of finding someway to bring him back to the path of righteousness though so far Pano hadn't found anything substantial yet.