Well, um, that didn't take as long as I thought it would. Obviously, this is a first draft, I'd like to add another ability, flesh out some stuff, and so on. But hopefully this'll get the ball rolling! [hider=First Draft of The White Rabbit] [b]Name:[/b] White Rabbit Samuel White [b]Nickname:[/b] Rabbit [b]Species:[/b] Animal [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [i]Without Glamour[/i]: A little white rabbit that'd surely pass for a normal little white rabbit, were it not for his tiny round spectacles, assorted colourful waistcoats and a preference for walking upright. [i]With Glamour:[/i] Pale and rather short at five feet and seven inches tall, Mr White peers at the world from behind a pair of round spectacles. Curly light brown hair pokes out from underneath his ever-present bowler hat and, underneath the layers of waistcoats and jackets and shirts, Mr White is a rather lean and wiry sort of fellow. He appears to be in his early twenties at best, and in desperate need of a day out in the sun. [b]Job:[/b] Single-handedly attempts to run a little shop (next door to "Blame It On The Bogeyman"?), called [I]Don't Be Late[/i], that sells watches. Samuel prefers making, and fixing, the watches over actually dealing with the customers who are, at best, a source of mild terror. [b]Personality:[/b] Skittish and nervous, as if always threatened by some major calamity that only he is capable of perceiving. In his calmer moments, Samuel is quiet, polite and only occasionally flinches at loud noises. Samuel, of course, contends that he is very easy to get along with, provided that you don't approach him from behind, make any sudden moves, speak too loudly, arrive too late to any agreed upon meeting or touch anything in the shop. Finding solace and some relief in the act of making elaborate plans, schedules and timetables, his small room in the Woodland Apartments building is dominated by a huge calendar on each wall, each date filled in with plans, contingency plans, appointments, and deadlines. [b]Fable:[/b] [i]Once upon a time[/i] there was a place called Wonderland, and the White Rabbit was one of it's most unsuitable citizens. Here was a world where madness was sanity, and the only thing that one could expect was that very little could be expected. For a creature that wanted only order, well, this was less than ideal. After an ill-advised attempt to lure a Mundy into Wonderland to overthrow an insane tyrant of a Queen, the White Rabbit decided that it would simply be best to keep his head down while he still had a head to keep, serving once again as a herald and trying to keep everyone to some sort of schedule. Then the War came. Not the usual internecine squabbles between the people of Wonderland, but the terrible Adversary. While some bravely decided to stay and fight for a world that was not so much lost to madness but born of it, the White Rabbit took one of the very first carriages out of Wonderland and to the world of the Mundy. Here, at last, was a world where things mostly made sense - even if, for those long early years, he was confined to the rather more hectic world of the Farm. After some scrimping, saving and a year or two of running a mail-order business selling pretty (and expensive) hand-made watches underneath the noses of the others at the Farm, the White Rabbit could afford a glamour, a place to call his own, and some semblance of an ordered, quiet life. It turns out, however, that the world outside the Farm is just as loud and chaotic as the Farm is. [b]Abilities:[/b] [i]Wonderland Time[/i] As a creature of Wonderland, there's always something not quite right about them, which some seem to carry with them wherever and whenever they go. In the case of the White Rabbit, time doesn't quite flow properly sometimes around him - things slow down, things speed up, stuff seems to get caught in a little loop of repeating itself, things slow down, things speed up, stuff seems to get caught in a little loop of repeating itself. It seems to be largely uncontrollable, more of a strange quirk in whatever magical whatsits make up the White Rabbit, althouh it seems to occur more often during periods of intense agitation and worry. [/hider]