[quote=@Rex] [center][@Gentlemanvaultboy][/center] Mark looked at V2 and laughed before he added, “Please, you honestly think you can hide your smell from me. Listen you hunk of junk: where I come from; we have robots that try and blend in with humanity. They’re disgusting thought of actually being equal to us is preposterous. They’re nothing more than our slaves. They’re only good for working and being dismantled. Which is where I come in.” a smile broke on Marks face again as he began to laugh. “They actually think they deserve to live because they claim to be A.I. but, when you get right down to it. If a robot wants equal rights, then you just destroy them and replace them with the next model. I hate them all, but more importantly: I hate the humans who think they can live peacefully with the robots. They disgust me even more. So breaking the robots in front of them is such a thrill. Then watching as they beg for their own lives is such a thrill,” Mark ranted before he sighed. He just stood there for several seconds before he suddenly charged at V2 and yelled, “So let’s get this over with! I’ve got more pressing matters to take care of!” [/quote] "Well we agree on one thing." v2 said, jumping back as the man charged forward. His rocket roared to life, letting him hover in the air as his shoulder antenna sparked up. Lighting was channeling into his keyblade as he whipped it toward the man, the crackling blade tumbling end over end like a boomerang. "THUNDER HEART RIPPER!" he heard himself yell before bringing down his finger in a gun shape. Electricity arced to that too, lighting it up a brilliant blue and ready to unleash a LIGHTHEART JAB when he moved. If it worked right he would dodge the keyblade, get stunned by the lightning v2 was about to shoot, then get hit by the blade as it flew back to him.