[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/szsNaJt.png[/img][/center] [h3][center][color=228b22]Infirmary[/color][/center][/h3] Walking to the infirmary Trad felt his scroll go off again, most likely Diamond replying to his text. He made a note to check it later but for now he wanted to focus on his current task. Pushing past the infirmary doors Trad located a member of the staff and asked about Robert’s condition. [color=228b22]”Excuse me I’m looking for Robert Fallson. Would you happen to know where he is and how he’s doing?”[/color] “Sure one second.” The nurse pulled out her scroll and began looking through all the names of those checked in. Theirs must not have been the only mission to go South because Trad had never heard of so many being admitted at once. “Here he is, Robert Fallson. Looks like he sustained some nasty injuries and just got out of surgery, but he is awake and fully responsive. I can take you to him if you’d like?” [color=228b22]”Thank you, I would much appreciate that.”[/color] He said before following the nurse to Robert. Once he was located the nurse excused herself needing to attend to other matters. Robert sat in his bed staring out the window, completely unaware of Trad’s presence. [color=228b22]”Robert…[/color] Trad said hoping to gain his attention. Nothing. Perhaps there was something outside of greater interest? Trad glanced through the window but saw nothing notable. [color=228b22]”You doing alright?”[/color] He asked. Still no response. Finally Trad put his hand on Robert’s shoulder and shook him a bit finally snapping him from his daydreams. [color=228b22]”Hey. Just came down to see how you’re holding up. Considering only a few hours ago you were unconscious and strapped to a stretcher I’d say you’re looking much better.”[/color] Before they could converse for long, Professor Ozpin appeared no doubt wanting to talk to Robert about the mission. [color=228b22]”Hello again Professor. I just came down to see how he was doing. I can step out if you need to talk in private?”[/color] [@Guess Who][@Lugubrious]