[center][h3]The Plot Thickens[/h3] [sub][@WeepingLiberty][/sub][/center] [color=B8860B]"Hire someone who actually works for a living," [/color] she said, giving him an affectionate pat on the head before moving off to pick up some dishes. A shadowed passed over the window, Abby tense for a moment as a knock came on the door. Cautiously , she pulled open the door. Standing there was a little man in a scarlet rune covered clock. "Evening m'am," He said, tipping his hat. [color=B8860B]"Churk, Your awfully late or early,"[/color] she said, looking out at the dark night. "I know, but orders never stop," At that he held out a scroll and a heave bag that clinked as she took it. "Only three new jobs today m'om, but they pay well," Letting out a sigh, he sat himself at the bar."A room and a meal would be highly appreciated," [hider=New Job listings]1. Witch Hunting Reward "10,000 gold pieces for proof of the demise of one who goes back the name of Angharad Seher. Possible Seer, approach with caution. Uses monsters to do battle" 2. Workers Needed "Bahn Tegan is willing to pay 800 coins for a group of hunters to remove an infestation before he repurposes an ancient church" 3. Hired Hands "Lord Mygrant is wanting a guild for a hunting expedition, pay based on experience," [/hider] [center][h3] I'll Try To Keep Us All Alive [/h3] [sub][@Viciousmarrow][/sub][/center] They were making progress. Despite the gnomes seeming to realize that the threat came from behind instead of just to the front, they were making progress. They, the most dysfunctional trio that Nox has every laid eyes on. The girl with a mouth louder than anything. The strange-ass man who Nox never got the name of. And him, the one who didn't even try to kill those witches in the woods. Slow progress, but they were still making it. Over the sounds of the gnomes, a different noise could be heard. That of other hunters, slowly making their way back as the trio made their way forward. They might have made it all the way to their brethren, then Madeline fell. It was her shouting that drew his attention, rather than witnessing the event himself. Everything else she had said tonight was obnoxious, but the new tone in her voice lead her to be obnoxious and ...scared. She was hurt, the gnomes has slashed her across her stomach, not horribly deep, or there'd be organs, but deep enough to warrant attention. [color=FFF8DC]"It's Nox,"[/color] He said finally. [color=FFF8DC]"And I'm going to try to keep us all alive"[/color] Turning back to the gnomes, he killed one more before a single one drew his eye. The gnome wasn't particularly remarkable, other than the fact that he was standing there, not attacking. In fact, if he could give an emotion to the gnome, it would have been...bored? But what made the gnome most interesting is that when ever he did move, every gnome flinched. It wasn't horribly noticeably, that gnome moved his right arm and all other gnomes twitched theirs, never stopping and not noticing, but it was all too obvious when they all did it together. He tried to make his way to the head gnome, but that was where the creatures where the thickest. Perhaps, [i]just perhaps[/i] he might have made it to the center had he been alone, but he didn't want to separate from the other two, they would get all three of them killed. The voices of the other hunters were louder now and he could see them through the trees. So he did the only thing he could. [color=FFF8DC]"THE ONE IN THE MIDDLE, KILL THE LINCHPIN![/COLOR] [sub]Interacting with: [@Noxx] [@Deos Morran] [@13org] [@shagranoz] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@WeepingLiberty][/sub] [center][h3] Kill the Spyder [/h3][/center] In truth Rose had beat Ceila here. But Rose often pretended to be late, when in fact, she was usually the first one on the scene. She heard Arden punishment as she ready herself to face her coven of witches. "[color=ed1c24]Rose ought to tie a bell around your ankle. It's creepy when you just pop up out of nowhere.[/color]" [color=silver]"I walked in...Maybe get better ears."[/color] [color=BC8F8F]"Perhaps a bell would do you some good dear,"[/color] Said Rose, walking into the room. Voice steady, stride confident. [color=BC8F8F]"A constant reminder to not fall asleep,"[/color] She took her place next to Mirai and by default, Arden. [color=BC8F8F]"Most of us,"[/color] she said, pointedly not looking at Ceila, [color=BC8F8F]"Have been working tirelessly to achieve our goal, and the day is almost done. I have one final job for all of us. There is a creature in the hall below that stalks what was once the personal chambers of supporting witches, only not leaders of their own clans because of the power that Bloodrose had. Freeing the halls of this creature will not only open up rooms for ourselves, but also lead us closer to the core of the castle. Nymphadora, you will lead this team. I apologies that I can only send Ceila and Arden with you, but I am confident that you'll be able to make them somewhat useful," [/color] [color=BC8F8F]"Miria, Jenny and I will be heading to one of the sealed doors. I don't expect it to open, but I need to know what type of magic will be needed to open it at a later date,"[/color] Truthfully, she needed to know exactly what type of witch she'd need to recruit to get these doors open. There was an off chance that they three of them might be able to open the door, but she didn't know that for sure. [sub] Concerning:[@WeepingLiberty][@shagranoz][@Rune_Alchemist][@Bishop][@Dark Light][/sub] [hider=Monsterinthehall][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/49/c8/d7/49c8d73f0e4a15613124d689dd178a49.jpg[/img][/hider]