[@Mr Allen J]Got my character all done for your review. [hider=Tyler Black][color=DFE6EA] [center][h1][b][color=013A56]Tyler "Ty" Ender Black[/color][/b][/h1] [h1]┏━━━━━━━━━┓[/h1] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HD9Wn4yhMX4/T6HkIpyLRVI/AAAAAAAAAiM/ClDYEF3cr4Q/s1600/hipster-hotties-17.jpg[/img] [h1]╚══════════════╝[/h1] [i]"Don't take things too seriously, and just chill."[/i] [h2][color=013A56]⦋Oº°‘¨ [b]20[/b] ⇔ [b]He/Him[/b] ¨‘°ºO⦌[/color][/h2][/center] [h3][u][b][color=013A56] ⦕ A P P E A R A N C E [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"How people interpret my degrees of sexiness is out of my hands."[/i] [indent][indent]Ty is nearly six foot. He has dark brown hair that he usually just artfully tussles. Sometimes he's lucky enough to just roll out of bed in the morning and have it perfect. Other time he had to run a bit of styling gel through it. Ty also sports a little bit of scruff too. Not too much because he cannot pull off the full beard look (mainly because he still cannot grow a full beard) and beards itch. Ty has dark blue eyes. He wears glasses that are larger and very hipster. Because Ty is very much a hipster at heart. He is rather fond of the layered t-shirt look. Though he does sport the occasional sweater and button down shirt (and sometimes tie). But the later is mainly for work. He likes is air walks and vans and pretty much every shoe that you'd think a hipster would wear. Ty is both skinny and muscular because of his active lifestyle. He runs every day. He thought about taking up hiking, but he's never committed to it. Despite his active lifestyle Ty is still quite pale and without a tan. Sunscreen is an amazing invention and he wont have any skin cancer when he gets older. Other physical characteristics Ty has are tattoos and ear gauges. The Tattoos are mainly abstract and colorful with no real meaning behind them. His gauges are rather small and understated.[/indent][/indent] [h3][u][b][color=013A56] ⦕ P S Y C H O L O G Y [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"Can we just skip to the part of my life where I travel the world?"[/i] [indent][indent][indent] ⋗ [b]M A I N G O A L ⫻[/b] Visit the entire globe. He wants to visit every country, meet new people and try all the delicious food he can. ⋗ [b]P H I L O S O P H Y ⫻[/b] "Just Chill". He's a go with the flow kind of guy. He believes in the inherent good of people and that everything will work out in the end. Plus, why waste effort worrying about something you can't change? ⋗ [b]S E C R E T S ⫻[/b] Ty's life is an open book.... except for that little bit about his sister. That he has never told anyone. ⋗ [b]D E S I R E S ⫻[/b] See "Main Goal" ⋗ [b]S E X U A L I T Y ⫻[/b] Pan? He's cool with anyone really. ⋗ [b]F E A R S ⫻[/b] Spiders. Needles. Burning to death. His sister. ⋗ [b]R E P U T A T I O N ⫻[/b] Ty is that "Chill" guy that everyone kind of likes but also kind of hates. He slides through life without effort and most things just seem to fall right into his lap. But despite that he's friendly and easy to get along with. ⋗ [b]P E T P E E V E S ⫻[/b] People going "Bro" at him. It's "Yo". Anime. ⋗ [b]Q U I R K S ⫻[/b] What's [i]not[/i] odd about Ty? He's a Hipster. That's quirky. He doesn't like anime. He's also probably the most laid back person there is. He's really nice to everyone and never says anything intentionally mean. He's also nearly sickeningly optimistic. He's also pretty handsy. He has no concept of personal space. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [h3][u][b][color=013A56] ⦕ B A C K S T O R Y [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"It'll all be okay in the end. If it's not, then it's not the end."[/i] [indent][indent]From the outside Ty's life looks like the ideal life. His parents, both highly religious, were nearly the stereotypes of the friendly Catholics that do community service, bring the new neighbors welcome gifts, give more than they get and are generally some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. His elder sister, Hannah, is the typical beautiful, attractive, and smart girl next door. She's studious hard working and always listens to her parents. Yes, life looked nice. But what lurks under the surface was always surprising people. Hannah was anything but a nice person around Ty. She never touched him hard enough to hurt but that didn't mean she didn't hurt him. She mentally and psychologically tortured him. She had him absolutely bent to her will. Until she went off to college when he was sixteen. Without her presence Ty became the Ty most people know and love. Other than that blight on his life Ty had the normal childhood and had everything he wanted. He excelled in school despite putting in minimal effort. After he graduated from High School he took a year off to backpack across Europe. When he returned he got a job at a think tank.[/indent][/indent] [h3][u][b][color=013A56] ⦕ S K I L L S & T A L E N T S [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"I'm just hanging out, being myself and doing my work."[/i] [indent][indent][indent]⋗ [b]Problem Solving ⫻[/b] Ty is what is affectionately known as a "Problem Fixer" in the think tank. He comes up with ideas that either solve the problem or are a step towards it. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent]⋗ [b]Running ⫻[/b] Ty is a long distance runner. He's gone on more than one Iron Man and completed it. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent]⋗ [b]Avoidance ⫻[/b] Ty is a master avoider. If he doesn't want to think about it, don't worry, he wont. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [h3][u][b][color=013A56] ⦕ O T H E R [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"I loved the feeling of freedom in running, the fresh air, the feeling that the only person I'm competing with is me."[/i] [indent][indent]Ty is free to die. Whenever. Just as long as it's a horrible death.[/indent][/indent][/color][/hider]