[center] [color=f26522][h3]~Phoebe Longhurst~[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] Phoebe watched the group of Gnomes burn, their bodies turning to ash from the cleansing flame as they were powerless against Gods righteousness. She took a moment to collect herself. It wouldn't do much to the total number of them, they were popping out of the ground like weeds. Well, maybe if they had a whole squad of Inquisitors here they could do something about it but the rest of these hunters seemed completely ill equipped. Well then, the easiest way to end this was to find whoever was organizing this little attack of the gnomes. She didn't get long to contemplate the question though. The other gnomes quickly recovered, and she had to quickly defend herself. Three knives left her body, impaling themselves in the Gnomes. One hit right on the mark, burying itself in the creatures eyes, temporarily blinding it, and the other two doing a good job of slowing three of them down. A small lull as they managed to get back to their feet from the injuries, and Phoebe became aware of someone using [i]magic[/i] right out in the open. She didn't particularly have time to question it - it seemed as though they were not hostile for the moment so there were more pressing concerns. Phoebe would deal with that later after the immediate threat was over with. And...were two of them...dancing? Phoebe was distracted by disbelief long enough for a gnome to get uncomfortably close. She barely avoided the creatures claws, sword impaling the creature in its chest. Gnome blood stained her armor and cloak, the vile substance not tarnishing her body thanks to her garments. They just kept coming, didn't they? There had to be something she could do. Something the rest of the hunters could do. [color=FFF8DC]"THE ONE IN THE MIDDLE, KILL THE LINCHPIN![/COLOR] Phoebe eyes moved towards the middle of the Gnome horde. She didn't have long to contemplate whether it would work or not, but whoever shouted seemed to at least have the right idea. She couldn't watch him for long, but there was definitely something different about the Gnome. Unfortunately, the horde of gnomes between them and it was the thickest. There was no way she was getting close enough to kill them directly, not safely at least. Good thing she didn't need too. With a little luck and help from the other hunters, this would be easy. [color=f26522]"You heard him hunters! The one in the middle!"[/color] She shouted, just to make sure that the rest had heard. She reached into her cloak, two firebombs in her hands. The first, was quickly tossed in a haphazard seeming fashion towards the front of the group. The second was lobbed over the horde - and with any luck, it'd fall right on the middle ones head. [@WeepingLiberty][@Deos Morran][@13org][@Ellion][@shagranoz] @hunter people fighting Gnomes [hr] [hider=Current Tools] Firebomb x3 Holy water x2 Throwing knives x15 Nets x4 Bolts x10 Lavender and Wolfsbane [/hider]