[@Shmektheshmuck][@DriveEMOut] Savannah ran through the door as soon as she saw Tom was right. Once those doors close, its basically a fallout shelter in there. She ran through the door as fast as she could holstering her bat and pulling out her gun. She knew taking people at gun point was wrong, but you need to show dominance in a time of crisis...never show fear. She raised her gun at the kids as they ran off to get the supplies they asked for. Adrenline pumping through her veins made her feel almost hyper aware of everything around her as she looked everywhere to make sure no one tried any funny business. Then she got an instant bad feeling. She turned and pointed her gun at the voice behind her. She knew it was not their team member for sure. "Now is not really the best time to drop in....you may want to come back for the scraps later if you value your life." Savannah said in a cold tone.