Wait I'm in this? Wait, my entries of shifty looking kabab seller and buffalo/hot wings are also in this? I am much impressed/shocked. Wait, there's no event relating to having insane weebage rambling or channeling your inner angry old black man to make a weebishly delicious interest check? Wait, Broby isn't a hamburger? I am much disappoint. Shame on you [@Vilageidiotx], I'm going to sue/kill/eat/cuck/sew/decorate you now too. >T I hope you die in post office Azerbajan after choking on a 5 foot long garden hose that's actually a snake which the town mechanist and abortion doctor who was trying to save you ran you over in a jeep 4x4 when he confused you with a fetus, surrounded by angry Danish nudists after you told them Danish pastries were from Daneland and go to hell but not burn since its actually cold as fuck down there accoridng to the bible and fairly empty after Doom guy cleared it out leaving you to be perpetually shivering by yourself for eternity.