[@Bishop] Had a feeling you were dropping out, but wanted to confirm it -- cheers for actually saying something. I appreciate you noticing that I'm not half-arsing things. While I do understand your reasoning for wanting to pull out, I just want you to know - for the record, not because I want to dissuade your decision - that I'd be willing to help out with any problems that I was able to assist with. I don't completely understand the coding problem, but you don't need to explain it to me. Honestly, I just wanted to make sure my attitude towards things was clear. I'm not trying to make this role-play unapproachable to people, but I don't believe in personally half-arsing things, especially considering it takes a lot more work and depth to make a non-fandom role-play successful than it does to make one based off a popular franchise successful. [@Aewin][@Pudding][@Melo][@Ailyn Evensen] You've each now received an additional post in your 'Private CS' PM (which you shouldn't respond to there, if you have anything to say to me), displaying the tarot card that was included with your letter. I leave it entirely at your own discretion whether or not you choose to reveal what you received to the others during the course of the IC -- there may or may not be consequences for doing so. Once others get completely accepted, they'll receive something similar. Also, cheers for making the edit from 'Trivia' to 'Notes', Aewin.