Two-step authentication is a double edged knife if you don't jump on the fucking bandwagon quick enough. Locked out of my Gaijin account (I play War Thunder, fite me) because some hacker not only figured out my password, but enabled two-step and bound his phone to my account. The cherry on the shit cake is that google authenticator on my own phone refuses to connect to the google servers. So I can't log in and change the info for Gaijin. The only info I was thankfully able to change was the password on both my email and my Gaijin account. So he may have the codes needed to actually log in and play. But I have the passwords to even start the log-in procedure. Hopefully my support ticket gets answered and the account is fully returned to me. If not, then I have to quickly work to disable my card so the fucker can't kill my bank account either.