The tearful goodbye at the station was quite heart warming. Daichi's mother, a stout woman, was sure to check that the young boy had everything he needed for his new school life. As the train pulled away from the station, Daichi was left to wonder what his new life was going to be like. Surely, the new students were not going to be exactly friendly with someone as large and... monstrous looking. Then again, Musutafu was a completely different city. Perhaps things would be nicer there. He silently made sure to check that his luggage, containing all the school supplies he was asked to bring, was still near his feet. The long train ride ended abruptly, and Daichi made his way towards the motel which his mother had made a reservation for. The sound of heavy footsteps greeted the patrons of the establishment and, after handing over the money that he was sure to bring, Daichi made his way to his room. The place was far cleaner than many others, and the fact that he barely had to speak to the clerk made for the entire experience to be rather pleasant. Then again... This was his first night from home. But Daichi had to learn to accept that he wasn't going to see his mother in a long time. He turned on the television, and fell asleep to the sound of a newscaster reporting the major villains still at large. He awoke at 6:00 AM, and began to get ready for his first day of school. [hr] Daichi began to become frantic. Despite arriving at the school's gates nearly an hour early, the gates refused to open to his ID card. Daichi, believing this to be some kind of error, patiently waited for another student to try their luck, and each time, he was disappointment with a loud beep. It seemed that the gate was simply locked off. Pacing nervously, Daichi was nearly tempted to call for authorities by 8:15 AM. Fortunately, the gates began to respond to the students IDs, and opened mechanically to the students. Daichi nearly slammed into a small, blue-haired boy as he walked onto the academy premises. He quickly ran for the front doors, or as quickly as he could considering how bright it was. The main reason Daichi left early was to make sure he could manage to walk to the school in the sunlight. Clumsily waddling, he made his way towards the three guards who stood in front of the entrance. One child tried to make his way into the building, was pushed back by the largest man. Daichi jumped back slightly in shock. [color=yellow]"Sorry, but we were ordered not to allow any students in this way! The ground floor area of this building is blocked off to everyone until further notice!"[/color] Daichi swung his head from side-to-side, searching for any possible way into the place that held his future. As he did so, two paths emerged; The [b]Left Wing[/b], and the [b]Right Wing[/b]. Several tense seconds passed, until Daichi had come to a decision. [color=a36209][i]Right is always right, right?[/i][/color] Daichi began to make his way to the right extension of the building. [hr] The hall way was filled with flickering light, which felt nice on Daichi's skin. He could feel his stamina returning. A look to the clock on the wall told him the time was 8:20! Quickly, the large boy made his way across the path, before a rolling chair slid by him. A woman with red hair poke her head from the room in which the chair emerged, and made her way to chair, sitting lightly on it. [color=green]"Students! Do you have time for a small check up? I do like to keep my medical records up to date after all...I believe most of you require a blood test."[/color] Daichi, large frame shaking from a combination of fear and urgency, replied to the woman. [color=a36209]"I-I'm sorry, S-Sensei. I have t-to g-g-get to c-class."[/color] Internally, Daichi sighed. He was stuttering a lot more than usual, and whether it was from stress or the fact that he was so late, the woman was clearly not helping. He tried to maneuver past the woman, in hopes that she would allow him to pass.