[center][h3][color=6ecff6]The Doctor is In[/color][/h3] [sub] Current Bestiary Entry: Gnomes[/sub] [/center] [hr] A lone figure traveled through the darkness of the forest, draped in shadows and misery. His old boots felt the familiar sloshing of mud beneath them, the uneven ground threatening to suck him into the earth if he took one misstep. The man's unassuming form shivered every time the breeze brought the freezing bite of winter to his soaked body. The cold rain had not been kind to the traveler. Long had he wandered beneath the pouring clouds, his only companion the water damping his cloak, the road beneath his feet and the kitten hiding away from the storm within his backpack. The unpleasant conditions were sadly not a first for the wanderer. He was absolutely terrible at riding saddled horses, and couldn't afford his own carriage. Despite the horrible ache in his legs and the creaking in his knees, the man was better off just walking everywhere. He took hold of the drenched piece of cloth hanging around his body and adjusted it. It was meant to keep the rain off of him. But after so much exposure, the cloak did little more than make the cold even worse. A sigh escaped his parched lips, his breath visible on the night's air. Athens Henway adjusted the pair of spectacles upon his nose for the thousandth time in the last hour. He was sure he'd broken the damn things when he fell a few miles back. He could only pray to God that the journey would be worth it. Seren's Folly, his chosen destination, sat beneath what was said to be the largest gathered coven of witches since the days of old. It was his best bet at fulfilling the desires of his masters. The church sought the absolute destruction of witchcraft in its entirety. Yet, the hunters they hired and the inquisitors they so diligently raised up were not equipped to fight against the devil's tides. What they needed was information. Knowledge was power. If they meant to destroy magic, they needed to know it's every capability, it's every strength and it's every weakness. A number of techniques had been learned over the years; crosses, silver and gold were all effective enough weapons against the demons in human skin. However, it was not enough. Humanity needed to know everything- [b]Everything[/b] they could to win this fight. The silence of the forest was violently torn away by the ringing cacophony of combat. A choir of inhuman screeches echoed through the sparse trees, reaching the ears of the doctor and sending a chill down his spine. That wasn't the howl of werewolves. Nor did it sound like mere wild dogs. Athens couldn't quite place it from that distance. Without even considering the consequences, Henway stepped off the beaten path and into the wilds. He began to move in earnest, an orchestra of crossed blades joining the choir in their lethal scream. The doctor would've broke out in a full sprint, if it were not for the tiny creature hidden away in his pack. He moved as quickly and carefully as he could; his curiosity was piqued by the simplest of sounds. If a pin dropped, he simply had to turn his head to look for it. If someone spoke, he was inclined to listen. A full on battle wrested his entire attention, demanding he investigate no matter the personal cost. It was a wonder the man yet lived; and was still relatively healthy, despite his complete lack of common sense when it came to the unknown. Maybe it was the divine protection of his Lord. Or perhaps some dark spirit still had plans for the medicine man's soul. Whatever the case, someone, somewhere, must want Athens alive. He reached his destination in no time. Henway's eyes went as wide as diamonds at the great sight that enveloped his entire vision. The bodies of small, grey skinned creatures littered the ground. Many more of the horrendous things were engaging in battle against the queerest retinue of hunters the doctor had ever laid his eyes on. Two of them were dancing. Not that they were fighting in an agile, swift and graceful fashion- they were literally performing a waltz of death in the center of the conflict, slaying the monsters while enjoying a nice night out under the light of the moon. The pair was absolutely bizarre. A man in a strange mask and outlandish clothes, arm in arm with a woman carrying an actual scythe. They weren't even the strangest thing his gaze fell upon. There was another man who appeared to be on fire, but at the same time...not. He saw all the signs except actual flames. How completely baffling. He had another man caring for him, thankfully- the doctor would see to him once he was done getting over the shock of the greatest sight that laid bare before his young eyes. Floating cards and dice. There was no other way to describe it. There were dice flying around the battlefield, and cards floating in the air. Magic. It had to be magic. He could practically smell it on the air, over the odor of dead corpses and ash. Doctor Henway stepped into the clearing with his jaw nearly on the ground. Finding the source of the display wasn't difficult. The conductor of that magnificent orchestra was the oddest sight of them all. A woman with a lizard's tail and...he couldn't quite tell with the hat in the way...but were those dragonic ears?! [color=6ecff6]"You!"[/color] Athens nearly screamed. He dashed past the child selling the miracles of medical science (intent on testing her product later) and made his way to the very obvious witch. [color=6ecff6]"You- you- you..."[/color] The man repeated over and over. He reached behind his back, his hand brushing a rather large knife when he...pulled out a book and a pen from his pack. He opened it up as swiftly as he could to a blank page and instantly began scribbling down every note he could make of the strange entity. [color=6ecff6]"How are you doing that and what's with the tail and the ears are those natural or some sort of enchantment were you born with any of it when did you learn to do magic have you ever had a negative reaction to holy water are you perhaps possessed?!"[/color] The man spoke a mile a minute. He didn't get her a second to answer any of his questions, the largest smile crossing his face. He paused only to shove his glasses back up his face. [color=6ecff6]"This is fantastic! I've been here less than two minutes and I've already encountered a witch. Oh, bless the Lord for his great divination. You simply mu-"[/color] Wait a second. There was a battle going on. [i][color=6ecff6]'You are a [b]doctor[/b], sir! Research comes after the danger has passed. Focus on what is important, Athens.'[/color][/i] He mentally chided himself before slamming the book closed. The wanderer took the pack from his shoulders and placed it on the ground before the witch. From the bag he removed a smaller satchel- this one marked with a red cross- and a tiny, black furred creature. He considered entrusting the safety of his favorite little animal to the child doctor, but...something was off about his fellow tiny physician. Not that she was a child, though that raised a few red flags. It was her attempts to sale wares during a gnome attack. She must be insane.Or an alchemist. Like there's a difference.[color=6ecff6]"This is Lily. Guard her with your life or I come back for yours."[/color] Henway kept a straight, serious expression as he placed the animal on the ground next to the total stranger's feet. [color=6ecff6]"That was a joke."[/color] With that out of the way, Athens returned the pack to its rightful place upon his back and stepped forward toward the field of battle. Combat was by far his...least natural element. He'd rather be anywhere but in the center of a fight. However, he knew his expertise could be used here. He recognized the little devils now. They were gnomes. He retrieved his bestiary once more and flipped to one of the first pages. Strong in numbers. Physically weak. Open wounds can be used to possess a victim. Athens' eyes flickered toward the human man that was starting the transformation process. [color=6ecff6]"These creatures are gnomes! Their pack leader controls them, but it is able to take possession of humans- but only if they were recently wounded by a gnome! Do not allow the little gremlins to harm you or else there's no cornering the bastard! I might be able to help that man, but I need to get close."[/color] The doctor begged the Lord that the hunters would listen to him. He might look like a madman, but he knew enough about these beasts to help destroy them. Afterwards, he could attend to the man who must have been injured in a fire bomb accident. [hr] Hunters at Seren's Folly, and the two Witch nerds [@Ellion] [@Deos Morran] [@13org] [@shagranoz] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@WeepingLiberty] [@Fetzen] [@Noxx] [@Bright_Ops]