[@DriveEMOut] [@DeadlyPhoenix] As Eliza was being frisked a lot of things ran through her mind. But before she could say anything she felt cold tears falling out of her eyes. She quickly turned her head away from the two frisking her, trying not to show fear or any sign of loss. [color=f6989d]"Tell me... why hate us so much when all we're trying to do is reestablish our country? Change happens with sacrifice, but having conflict like this won't change a thing."[/color] Eliza shook her head and her words started trembling, not from sadness but from anger. [color=f6989d]"You're all small minded is the answer. Look at who makes up the White House Group, you had your club leaders, presidents. The brightest of the bunch. The people who were born into power and luxury. You speak of having no luxury but we... can have all of it if we stop this childish nonsense."[/color] Eliza tried to convince them with her words, but she wasn't keen of speaking peace with the people holding a gun to her head and running their hands all over her.