Su-Mi was sure she owed the girl a big favor for a timed assignment like this. Su-Mi gave a small [color=7bcdc8]"yes! thank you!"[/color]before being told to clench her jaw. She held her breath, The anticipation scared her more than the actual punch itself but she knew it was going to sting. Before she knew it a string force slammed against her cheek, making her Mary-janes scrape against the floor as she tumbled back. the sting was definitely enough to cause her brain to go blank. Soon the voice took body again. [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Finally!"[/b][/i][/color] she shouted, a bit deeper tone of voice than she had before. her knuckles grew white as her fists clenched. Her stance widened as she glanced to Hiro.[b][i][color=ed1c24] "Catch up if you can. Not my fault if you're left behind"[/color][/i][/b] she called playfully before getting into a track star position. After two breaths she ran ahead into the mass of clones. She ducked under the roller pins gracefully, almost getting paint on her suit..almost. then she jumped over the sleeping body of the clone slump aside the hall. She edged closer and closer to the hallway. No other thing was in her mind. Not the people around her in which she bumped into or crashed by. Nothing just one goal and that's all she could even process at the moment. She crashed into the cards of the few clones and stumbled to the door. As soon as her hand held the handle to the classroom door soon her speed and elegance turned into a clumsy mess as she tripped onto her own shoe and tumbled down into the classroom. Su-Mi was officially back. [color=7bcdc8]"Owie"[/color] she muttered in embarrassment. [i][color=ed1c24]"And you were starting off so well..."[/color][/i] she whined softly as she struggled to get up. [color=7bcdc8]"Ah Ow!"[/color] she held the side of her face. "How-..oh" she glanced out the door to see the mess of cards. [color=7bcdc8]"Oh I did it!? YAY I did it!"[/color] [@KimmiNinja] [@Shmektheshmuck]