[@DriveEMOut][@KimmiNinja][@Shmektheshmuck][@Eviledd1984] Savannah searched through the backpack finding a bunch of papers in coded with from what she could tell was Intel. She grabbed her digital camera from her pocket and snapped a few photos from inside the bag to hide what she was doing. It would not do them any good to announce that she found them if they could not cypher them. She gave Tom a nod to show that she had found something that they could use later but not to make it obvious. "Her bag is clear. Nothing worth taking in here any way. These rich bags always seem to fall apart too easily." when Sean came into the room she shook her head aggravated. "Shit we better rap this up Tom. We need to pull an immediate E-VAC as soon as we can." She said looking down the hallway to make sure the infected have not broke their way in.