[color=7bcdc8][h2]Orithius Pethris Wyrmwood [/h2][/color] [@KimmiNinja] Orithius stepped over the threshold leading out of his room, and was suddenly in the middle of a throng of students, flooding around him like a parting river through the gates that were flung wide open. The school wards did not allow him to enter it directly through teleportation - which he supposed was reasonable. Twisting his neck until he heard a satisfying crack, he rolled his shoulders, raised his chin - and walked forwards confidently. Noting the younger students meandering about in front of the buildings, he rose one brow and the left corner of his mouth turned down in frown. He took a deep breath, before making his way into the building. Peering around he saw a few familiar faces, people he had noted from the back of the class which he had haunted for the last few years. He noted a blond - Rosylin or something - who had been in some of his classes. He recalled his social skills training, and the advice of his tutors. [color=7bcdc8][b]"glance, gauge, grin, engage..."[/b][/color] He whispered to himself, his lips barely moving as he walked towards her with a practised comfort, his cane clicking against the marble floor, raising a brow in enquiry when he finally reached her. He offered a small, polite grin. [color=7bcdc8][b] "Rosylin? or something with an 'R' - Right? Six years and we've yet to actually be acquainted formally. Orithius Pethris Wyrmwood - Charmed."[/b][/color] He looked over to where the other students were still resembling a boiling pot of confusion, anticipation and angst. [color=7bcdc8][b]"I swear - there seems to be more of them every year..." [/b][/color]He tipped his chin in the direction of the children, before looking back at her and offering the same practised grin.