[center][img]https://s27.postimg.org/el6ke7o0j/Freeman.png[/img] [color=F7923A]Level 1 Day One, Evening Tetris Castle Briefing Room - Ragnavial, Kingdom of Erion, Altus Interaction: [@DracoLunaris] Mention: [@Holy Soldier] [@Etherean Fire] [@Simple Unicycle][/color][/center] Gordon followed Guile into the briefing room and took a seat. He took in all the information as fast as his analytical mind would allow, folding his arms as he processed it. Apparently, the Mugen Virus had already spread to another universe known as 'Altus'. The verse was home to the Kingdom of Erion, which in turn was divided into multiple nations. The mission was going to take place in the nation of Ragnavial. Crystal weapons called Psyphers, which absorb Phozons, given off when a person died. The technology there was limited to a medieval scale, and magic was the dominant power. From what Gordon understood, the gathered heroes had to go in and save someone known as Princess Gwendolyn, the daughter of Demon Lord Odin, the ruler of Ragnavial. He had killed the fairy queen Elfaria to possess the ring and used the cauldron to conquer all of Erion, but he was overcome by madness. Just before losing his sanity, he locked his daughter away in a castle with the Ring Titrel, a magical ring that controls a cauldron that can either doom the world or bring eternal peace. The heroes were supposed to go in, rescue the princess, recover the ring, and undo the chaos. Even then, Gordon found it pretty hard to understand, but went along with it. He had been put into stasis by the G-Man after the Black Mesa Incident, and awoken more than two decades later to save Earth from the Combine. Or, as Gordon saw it, four [i]incredibly[/i] busy days. He hadn't had much sleep, either, and was fueled by coffee and an endless desire to survive. But travelling to another dimension, retreiving a relic and saving a princess? Sounded easy enough. The gathered heroes in the room were then assigned to various teams, each member's face flashing on the screen along with their name. Gordon paid close attention to this. He waited until he was assigned to a team, then let out a silent sigh. He was placed with Mario. The guy who had started the food fight and threw a table at him. Sure, he wasn't happy, but he knew what he was capable of. His other teammates were Fox McCloud, whom Gordon recognised as another legend, Garrett, a master theif from what he understood, and the fish lady named Naija. The team was lead by the last one. Freeman glanced over at her. She didn't really look like leader material, being a mere five feet in height, but he wasn't one to judge. Besides, he knew never to underestimate someone or something. Take headcrabs, for example. They were around the size of a house cat, but those things were [i]vicious.[/i] The briefing over, Gordon headed over to floor 49 using the Warp Elevator, where he received a vaccine that supposedly granted him immunity to the effects of the Mugen Virus. Following this, he headed over to the teleporter room and stood in front of the glowing portal, ready to begin another adventure. He took a breath, adjusted his glasses, made sure his suit was on correctly, and jumped in. [center]------------------------------[/center] Gordon reemerged in a forest of sorts, a large stone structure looming in the distance. He looked around and located his leader, the fish girl. She was sitting on a large boulder, seemingly waiting for the arrival of her team. Walking over, he greeted her with a polite nod. His face scrunched up in disgust when he found that she smelled like fish. Taking a step back, be turned away and pulled out his pistol and inspected it. He pulled out the magazine and checked how much ammo he had, before slamming it back in and cocking the weapon, the hammer sliding back into place with a click. With that done, he holstered it in its usual place on his thigh. Sure, his pistol did an abysmal amount of damage, but with its almost lack of recoil and fire rate, it made for a deadly weapon in the hands of a skilled user. He favoured it over most other weapons in his arsenal, except his trusty shotgun and handy crowbar, the latter of which had grown on him since Black Mesa.