[center][color=SteelBlue][h2]James Varrock[/h2] Level: 1 Day/Time: Day One; TBD Location: Erion Interacting:Samus Aran[@Lmpkio], Amaterasu[@Gentlemanvaultboy], Hapu[@ToadRopes], Luigi[@Bright_Ops] Mention: Edward Buck[@Aether Spawn][/color][/center] James didn't answer anyone right away, instead opting to sweep down the wall from the parapet he was looking at and back a couple of times before being sure it was safe. Lowering the rifle's butt from his shoulder, he turned to address his team mates as Charger appeared from seemingly no-where. Hapu was easy to place, being the shortest of the group and being the only person there with an Islander-like vibe to them. Luigi was, as the Nightstalker had guessed, the Italian in green with the well groomed mustache. And that meant that only Edward Buck and Samus remained unknown to him, but seeing as Hapu had addressed Samus already, that left only the orange armored individual who's gender he had yet to ascertain. [color=SteelBlue]"Pleasure to meet you all. I'm James Varrock, Nightstalker with the Vanguard, though I can't use any of my abilities currently, and Guardian of the Last City of Earth. And this floating eye bot here is Charger, my Ghost."[/color] As James spoke, Charger had been running a scan on the other three, four if you counted Mudsdale, three blue lines coming out to make a triangle around them, marking them as friendlies and Fire Team members so that his Guardian wouldn't accidentally shoot them. [color=LightCoral]"I'm pleased to meet you all as well. Don't mind the scans, simply marking you as friendly so James here doesn't let his itchy trigger finger get the better of him. He will also be able to communicate with you remotely if you have a communication device on you, and vice versa."[/color] The Ghost is silent another moment before nodding to himself. [color=LightCoral]"Done. Now I only need to do the same scan and sync up with Edward Buck."[/color] Shaking his head at the Ghost, James turns to Luigi. [color=SteelBlue]"No idea what the plan is, but if everyone takes awhile to gather, Charger can mark everyone as friendly for me as time permits. Hopefully we won't all end up in each other's way somehow."[/color]