[@DriveEMOut] [@DeadlyPhoenix] [@Shmektheshmuck] [@Eviledd1984] "Don't worry I won't. And not like I can do anything either." She remarks and goes into thought about any safe places they can talk. Yet the only place she can think of was her old house not too far from here. It's been a while since she's been in it she's not too fond of being reminded of the life before the outbreak, but she still has the keys as a memory of what was once a happy life. [color=f6989d]"My old home is not too far from here, it's a 10-minute drive and it's in a gated community meaning there's probably less of the "zombies" lurking around." [/color] Eliza looks to her gun on the floor, she highly doubted that they would let her have that back. [color=f6989d]"I can lead the way but you and your girlfriend here are gonna have to protect me since obviously my guards can't."[/color] She can't help but frown, these people were her only way out of here and she can't even escape after words. They'll probably keep a tight grip with their dirty hands on her the whole time.