[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nw8A9FVAzPw[/youtube] [i] In the middle of the wasteland of nowhere is a small town called Hope that grew up around one of the only sources of fresh water in the region; Little more then a pit stop along the road that the traders and merchants use but profiting from it's location none the less. While it seems like a peaceful place, not all is as it seems... [/i] An interesting idea that I decided to try out. 16 people (no more, no less) will enter the town of Hope as villages, but not all of them are friendly; Behind the fake smiles some of the townfolk are planning on spilling the blood of their peers for their own personal reasons. Basically this would be 'Town of Salem: The Rp', with roles randomly PM'ed to players, alongside what powers and abilities they have. I myself would be little more then a GM (since it would be highly unfair for me to have a character). During the day, you'll get to have your characters to intermingle (As well as the chance to present a case for hanging someone) while at night you'll pm your actions to me and I will ensure that they are carried out. All members of the mafia will know each other and will be allowed to discuss their plans and tactics with each other via a group PM at night... but keep in mind that I will be listening in as well (there might be a spy in the game who will be getting a copy of your discussion... provided there is one, of course.) [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Gender: Age: Species: Appearance: (Either picture or text is good) [/hider]