Taylor nodded at Amelia's reply, as he followed her movements with his eyes. Taylor's heart was beating loudly in his ears, as he let out a soft sigh. He was about to sit up, when Amelia leaned down and kissed him. He was shocked, but didn't mention anything as he closed his eyes and was about to kiss her back when his mind shouted at him, that this wasn't how it worked. He pressed a hand to Amelia' solar plexus, and pushed her away lightly. "Amelia-" he tried, eyes lidded and he couldn't stop staring at her lips. "I'm sorry but I can't do this.." he mumbled, thinking about what happened yesterday. It was still a little fuzzy in his mind, but the memories were still there. He could still feel the faint brush of Amelia's lips on his. He wanted to taste her; he needed to taste her again. Taylor needed this, but it was wrong. Something was wrong about all of this. A girl couldn't just fall straight for his feet.. They just couldn't.. Right? Taylor doubted this, as he sat up. "I should shower.." he mumbled, and finally tore his gaze away from Amelia's beautiful face. [@ineffable]