Amelia felt him responding a bit to her kiss but he soon pulled away. Shit. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. She heard his mumbles and almost face palmed herself but stopped before it showed. After he went to shower she sank down onto her bed and cursed under her breath. She needed this to fucking work. Why did it not work? Time to have a little chat with Taylor, maybe she could drill some romance into his head. She went to get her blow dryer and blew dry her hair before checking her texts yet again for any update from Vorrie. [quote]hey dude, gonna be l8 im waylaid by some kind of anti robot protest. robots are coming and it's chaos. hopes everyone is getting out there fine - Vorrie[/quote] [quote]np, a bit busy so take as long as you want - Amelia[/quote] She sat on her bed and waited until Taylor would come back so she could drill some sense into him and somehow, make her plan work. [@Riverbeak]