Taylor sighed happily when the warm water hit his back. He didn't use long before he grabbed some soap and washed the grease away from his skin. It sure felt like he was covered in it. He washed his hair, and finished up within fifteen minutes. He jumped into the clothes he'd gotten from Amelia, as he looked himself in the mirror. The clothes hung a little around his arms and waist, but it fit him nonetheless. He exited the bathroom, a towel in his hair as he retreated to the bedroom. "..Amelia, listen-" he began, but paused when he saw Amelia sit on the bed, her hair curling lightly around her shoulders. "I- uh, don't think we should continue this.." he fiddled with his hands in front of him, before continuing. "Romance we have going on..- look, we barely know each other other than from what we've told each others, and we got drunk yesterday, sorry about that by the way, that I uh.. Kissed you. I didn't mean to, so I will accept if you kick me out of your apartment, and leave me for dead.." he rambled, feeling sorry for what he had done. He was overthinking everything, and of course; Amelia would probably be mad at him, heck; she'll most likely throw him out. He didn't know anymore, and to this point he was afraid to ask. [@ineffable]