[color=9e0b0f][center][h2]Emmerich Jaeger[/h2][/center] [/color] "[color=a187be]I suppose it is only fair that you should know my name after sharing your own, but that doesn't make us friends... Understand? It's Avalon, Avalon Shire.[/color]" [color=9e0b0f]"Mein fraulein..." [/color]he said, while his rapier slashed another gnome, spilling some of his blood on her face [color=9e0b0f]"Vee are already more zan zat, and you know it."[/color] he said, gently wiping the blood of her face. [color=9e0b0f]"Its hard to find someone who you can fight like zis, trust bos your mind and body, trust on zeir abilities, open yourself to zem."[/color] he continued, as he held her closer to him. [color=9e0b0f]"In such a short time, vee not only know how each ozer sinks, but how vee vill move or act." [/color]As he continued talking, the dance started to get even more complex, with graceful circular movements as Emmerich held Avalon closer to him, without taking his eyes off her, his presence was intoxicating, she could feel his eyes on hers, behind the mask [color=9e0b0f]"Zee bond zat connect us vas forged by zee fire of zee fight, and not by words alone. You, mein liebling, is zee only hunter here who I vould trust bos my life and body. Mein schatz, you are zee only one here zat I vould blindly trust."[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"So, no... Vee are not friends. If friends did vat vee are doink right now, zey vould be dead by zeir own hands." [/color]He said, as with a flicker of his hands, his blade coiled around them, enveloping them in a deadly spiral, deflecting the incoming blows the nearby gnomes threw at them. [color=9e0b0f]"Avalon, mein perle..." [/color]he said, grabbing her waist and spinning her around, her scythe slicing the nearby gnomes. [color=9e0b0f]"Mein vonderful schatz." [/color]he said as he finished their dance, just as the great wolf started barking to a wounded hunter "[color=a187be]Leo?[/color]" She called for it [color=9e0b0f]"Zis night vas by far zee most enjoyable night I had in my entire night." [/color]he said, as he slowly and gently let go of her hands, walking away. [color=fff8dc]"THE ONE IN THE MIDDLE, KILL THE LINCHPIN!"[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"If you decide to meet me again, don't be konfused or alarmed. I promise I vill tell you mein sekrets." [/color] [color=f26522]"You heard him hunters! The one in the middle!"[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"For now, farevell, beautiful Avalon."[/color] Emmerich said with a performance bow, formally finishing his dance, jumping back as a firebomb exploded near him, making him disappear in the middle of the fire. As the bomb exploded, Emmerich was caught by surprise as he fell in the middle of the fire. Quickly twisting his body to get out of the flames, he said as he landed on the ground, his right hand burning [color=9e0b0f]"Ach... Zat vas unfortunate..." [/color]he mumbled to himself, quickly putting the fire out Turning his face to look where the other hunters pointed, he saw nothing, just a bunch of gnomes on fire. "Vere is..." he was saying when he got interrupted by a loud screech. Avalon's wolf started to bark and snarl furiously. Emmerich looked to the wounded hunter just in time to hear it saying, changing to a creature in front of his eyes "The girl who tosses flames... She thinks to underestimate us. I want her dead." Emmerich grabbed his crossbow, using both hands to aim it, wielding the rapier under it. He was a good distance away from the hunter that was transforming itself on a creature. This one wasn't just a common gnome. Apparently this one could change bodies to the ones who were wounded. Letting out a powerful shot, he aimed to the creature's head, trying to kill it before the transformation was complete. The unique, golden bolt flew through the battlefield, whistling in the creature's direction. [hr] [color=0072bc][center][h2]Shai[/h2][/center][/color] [color=red]"Take it away... Get rid of the magic..."[/color] Shai watched quietly as the hunter said, in pain after it got behind the barrier. It took a while, as he apparently was in a lot of pain. [color=0072bc]"Take it away? But the other hunters will not move as fast and light as they are moving right now, and the battlefield would get much darker and..."[/color] "[color=f7976a]I suggest you let the magic drop.[/color]" the other hunter said, the one who said it would defend her, with a very frightening stare after shooting a nearby gnome. [color=0072bc]"I..."[/color] Shai started to say, obviously shaken [color=0072bc]"I'm sorry... I was only trying to help..."[/color] she said, the orb floating back near her, as the battlefield got darker, and the hunters felt their movements getting slower and heavier again, without the magic. But the darkness only lasted for a few seconds... A bright light made Shai look to the battlefield again. Firebombs started to explode left and right, hunters were getting hurt and a terrible, terrible screech made Shai cover her ears and kneel down in pain. Raising her head again, she watched, shocked as a wounded hunter started to turn into one of those terrible creatures. "Blood" a card floated in front of her. [color=0072bc]"I'm sorry, but I cannot put down the barrier. At least I need to protect the town. And after all, the barrier doesn't emit magic as the orb was..."[/color] she said, putting up the barrier again [color=0072bc]"HUNTERS! Don't let their blood get inside you! There is something tainted with it!"[/color] she yelled, pointing to the wounded hunter that was slowly turning into a creature itself. [color=0072bc]"Let me see here, his problem is too much magic inside of him, isn't it? I can take it out from him, but it will take a while and I will need to touch him."[/color] she said, her hand getting near his skin when... [color=6ecff6]"You!"[/color] a scream made her jump back, alarmed. The owner of the voice was a very peculiar man, who apparently was somewhat oblivious to how serious the situation was right now. Quickly approaching her, the man said again: [color=6ecff6]"You- you- you..."[/color] Scared, Shai walked back as the man approached her, putting his hands on his back, he was ready to draw his weapon, or at least that was what Shai thought, as he got a pen and a book from his backpack and started writing down, looking at her with his eyes shining. [color=6ecff6]"How are you doing that and what's with the tail and the ears are those natural or some sort of enchantment were you born with any of it when did you learn to do magic have you ever had a negative reaction to holy water are you perhaps possessed?!"[/color] Shai breathed easier after seeing that the man was some kind of doctor and wasn't going to attack her, but was curious about her. [color=0072bc]"I'm using gravit- Umm... yes they are natur- I... yes I was bor- I always knew ho- No, no I never-" [/color]she tried to answer the many, many questions the man made as he continued talking, not letting her even finish. [color=6ecff6]"This is fantastic! I've been here less than two minutes and I've already encountered a witch. Oh, bless the Lord for his great divination. You simply mu-"[/color] [color=0072bc]"Actually I'm not exactly a witch... I-"[/color] Shai tried to answer, but the man was obviously too excited and had many questions. Although the man's curiosity made Shai a little happy, he also scared her a bit as his endless curiosity remembered her from the other humans... the one which created her and made experiments on her. Carefully watching and analyzing if she could trust or not the man, she kept looking at him, confused with his endless questions... and apparently no need to breathe between words. Shai chuckled as the overly excited man put his bag on the ground near her, taking out a small furred animal from his satchel [color=6ecff6]"This is Lily. Guard her with your life or I come back for yours."[/color] He said, entrusting the little animal to the merchant girl [color=6ecff6]"That was a joke."[/color] Meanwhile, Shai considered to look inside the bag the man put down in front of her, inclining her head, but refrained to do so as it would be extremely rude. Getting his bag again, he opened his book, read a few pages and proceeded to yell to the other hunters [color=6ecff6]"These creatures are gnomes! Their pack leader controls them, but it is able to take possession of humans- but only if they were recently wounded by a gnome! Do not allow the little gremlins to harm you or else there's no cornering the bastard! I might be able to help that man, but I need to get close."[/color] [color=0072bc]"Oh! So that's what they are!"[/color] Shai exclaimed, holding the "Blood" card that was drawn from her tarot deck. [color=0072bc]"Please protect me for a second. I will have to take down the barrier. Do you think you can stop the creatures who try to get to the town?" [/color]she asked the man who said that would protect her [color=0072bc]"Mr doctor, I think I can help you with that."[/color] Shai said to him as the cards from the barrier formed a corridor between the doctor and the transforming hunter. [color=0072bc]"The barrier will protect you, and the dices will strike down any gnome who tries to get near you." [/color]she said to him as two of the seven dices started to float around him, in an erratic pattern, spinning rapidly. But what Shai didn't know, is that two bolts were rapidly coming to the transforming hunter from the other side of the battlefield, directly in front of the corridor. If the transforming hunter dodged the bolts, it would come directly to Shai or to the doctor, and if they hit the hunter, it would probably mean its death. It could be avoided, if Shai was paying attention to her cards, which started to spin and show "Arrow", but sadly, Shai was concentrated on other things. Being a seer is a great power, and as every power, it comes with equally big responsabilities. Fate slipped from Shai's hands. What will be the consequence for her mistake?