[img]http://i.imgur.com/0mML7tq.png[/img] Our tributes scatter, leaving Hitler alone in an empty Cornucopia pretending to be a conqueror, the bodies of the Chicago Cubs, Rio de Janeiro, and sliced up hot wings laying in the dirt nearby. The forest will decide who lives and who dies. [img]http://i.imgur.com/1TQvhVC.png[/img] Alec Baldwin flees a baffled conservative. Broby strikes a blow for journalism, tainting the fake news feed with cyanide and abandoning it to die in the forest. Will Broby set his sights on any of our other journalistic tributes? Give it up, 2016! Betty has the high ground! Boris Johnson shows his distaste for all continental Europeans when he Brexits his way into the Cornucopia and kills Hitler. That leaves four dead at the starting point, and the British flag waving over the Cornucopia. Bernie flips off A Waifu. This is after Birdie Sanders scared her. This might confirm that Birdie is in fact acting as Bernie's familiar in this round. Why they are picking on A Waifu is beyond me. Perhaps she is wealthier than we all realize. Shifty Kebab is a lone predator, and he hunts solo. Bowser, Muhammad Ali, Dat Boi, and Trump Pepe are pack predators, and we see them team up to strategize. Lincoln might be scared of the outdoors, but he's still the enterprising frontiersman, and when confronted with a river he uses his resources and hard work to construct a bridge. Prince finds MSNBC suffering suspicious wounds (did Broby come this way?) Prince is a compassionate artist, and he gently cares for the milquetoast-left organization. Hillary sees Lincoln building something, and she quickly flies into action copying him. But years in legal and political practice does not produce the same skills as a frontiersman, and Hillary ends up wish a mushy pile of mud. Maybe this'll get her the redneck vote though. Mevlut the assassin falls into Chapatrap's Chapa Trap and dies. Chapa learns that, though he might not be able to take Putin head on, he can at least kill from a distance with sneaky tricks. HaleytheRandom shows a better understanding of construction than Hillary Clinton and builds herself a place to stay. CNN hears about Broby and arms itself. More hunting parties form. Stefan Karl Stefansson is also a lone hunter, but Mr Rogers, Leoardo DiCaprio, Harambe, David Bowie, and Putin move in a pack. VarionusNW gives Shoryu Magami a bag of trail mix. Carrie Fisher, having broken her nose, injures herself in another way, having a hell of a time out of the gate. [img]http://i.imgur.com/SH7LATz.png[/img] Duterte goes straight to the survival business and robs some bees. Ted Cruz dies as he lived: being a giant shit. If you are hunting for Pokemon, don't go to Aleppo. This is a public service announcement sponsored by your friendly Hunger Games organization. BrokenPromise gives Obama an automatic weapon. The Phantom of the Opera supports the Green Party. Birdie Sanders sprains his ankle. Not sure why he didn't just fly. If Birdie Sanders is unwilling to use his bird powers, he's not going to survive long. Keyguyperson gives a gun to the Deplorables. Breitbart steps on a landmine and dies. Where did that landmine come from? Is it a coincidence, or did Broby plant it? Could he even guess where Breitbart would be? I like Death's name in this game. Anything Death does sounds poetic. "Death practices his archery" sounds like it is supposed to mean something, even though I don't know quite what. Arnie punched Carrie Fisher, and now he cuts off Clocktower's hand. Arnie hasn't killed anybody, but he has been a bully. Meanwhile, after his mistaken run in with David Bowie, Trump has gained a taste for man-pussy, and he finds an unlikely partner. [img]http://i.imgur.com/T4BNkax.png[/img] There they are, the seven most unworthy players in 2016. Look at their faces and boo.