[sub][i]IntChk is short and sweet, as I see no need to fill it full of clutter. This is a RP about playing Rebels fighting a much larger force, what more is there to say?[/i][/sub] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ3poU70uIE[/youtube] [b][h1]R A N C O R C O M P A N Y[/h1][/b] [h1][sub]A S T A R W A R S T A L E[/sub][/h1] It is a period of [b]CIVIL WAR[/b] in the Galaxy, as the evil forces of the [b]GALACTIC EMPIRE[/b] work hard to quell the growing forces of the [b]REBEL ALLIANCE[/b] that have sprung up all over the galaxy. One such group of Rebels are simply known in the Alliance as [b]RANCOR COMPANY.[/b] This band of Rebels operate out of the Nebulon B Class Frigate known as [b]THE KEEP[/b] in operations throughout the mid and outer rim of the Galaxy striking where other Rebel Forces dare not to and completing tasks that others deem as impossible. As the command staff of The Keep prepare themselves for a briefing from Alliance High Command, they don't understand just how much their lives are about to change... [/center] [hr] Greetings, and thankyou for reading the very basic introduction to this Interest Check, for this Roleplay. This roleplay is going to be based around the forces aboard the Keep and their struggle against the Galactic Empire (Sorry Imperial lovers, this one ain't for you). It will take place roughly one month prior to the Battle of Scarif (Rogue One) and will continue from there. We'll never directly interact with aspects of the main canonical cast but we still co-habitate the same Universe so we'll still see their influence. How this roleplay will work, is that The Keep will be deployed on missions by Alliance High Command (Myself) and we will then play out those missions. Size of the Nebulon B allows us to perform actions with Fighters and Bombers giving us Air Support while also having substantial ground forces at play, the more important thing is how it will work. Rather than forcing players all into the same squad, players will be part of a squad composed of NPCs which they control (Their PC does not need to be the squad leader). This limits collabs during combat, which allow for free movement and the free flowing of the Roleplay. While during 'down time' or certain elements of the fighting players still have the chance to interact and collab with eachother. There really isn't much more to say, I've thought out several missions and have plans in place. If you have any questions leave them here.