[color=004b80][center][h1] Tijd Mágos [/h1][/center][/color] [@AimeChambers] ----- Tjid shook her head. A boy who seemed about her age was jangling with nerves. She could tell, because that came with the territory of being a Healer. "Don't fall down any stairs today," she whispered in a voice she was pretty sure he could hear. She kept on walking. Tijd herself was nervous, and she normally loved school. [i]'Remember,'[/i] said a little voice in her head, [i]'You'll know some from conventions-maybe.' [/i] The little voice was not helping her nerves. Because her parents were fairly rich, she never interacted with other children. She had a private tutor instead of a schoolteacher. One of her lessons was public interactions. [i]'Look down on all. See nothing, but notice all. Hear nothing, but listen to everything. Smile and nod politely. If you must introduce yourself, keep calm. People do not enjoy when you talk too much. Notice, calculate, smile politely, talk. I am the best pupil of my age and status in practically all of England. I will do fine.'[/i] This ran through Tijd's head as she noted all the people.