Trei arrived at the gates leading to the Masquerade party, he placed his red and black mask on his face, tying the strap behind his head making sure not to tie his hair by mistake. Afterwards he walked down the path towards the main building, it was a wonder he was sent instead of his sickly grandfather Astor, before entering the building he was confronted by two guards, one male and one female. [color=7ea7d8]"invitation?" [/color]she asked and ordered at the same time, Trei revealed a neatly folded piece of paper from his robe, she read it for a moment, [color=7ea7d8]"Astor Fulthoth of Theolagius, correct?"[/color], Trei forced a smile. [color=f7976a]"no, Trei fulthoth, my grandfather is currently... unavailable."[/color], Trei thought for his grandfather and remembered the note he made if they needed clarification, Trei revealed another note sealed with the mark of the fulthoth family, [color=f7976a]"a letter of approval from Astor himself."[/color], he passed over the letter as well. the guard didn't open it, just pocketed it and motioned Trei in before stopping him again and saying: [color=7ea7d8]"any weapons other than that?"[/color], she pointed at the Theolagian sabre strapped to Treis' belt, he shook his head, unstrapped the sword and passed it over to the guard, again the guard let him through. Inside was much like he'd imagined, just larger. a pair of girls pointed at him and giggled, Trei could hear a few words they said, "he's cute... where's he from...", he bowed elegantly and they giggled some more. Trei leaned on a wall near the main floor where people were dancing, how cute, he'd learnt to dance from his mother but was utter [i]eriga[/i].