[center][h2][color=f7976a]Draco Russ[/color][/h2][/center] Currently: In Seren's Folly (Outside) Interacting:[@Noxx][@Deos Morran][@13org][@shagranoz][@Superboy] .............................................................. Seeing the look of fear on the girl's face, Draco actually felt a twinge of guilt for being so harsh with his 'request'... but the man he had helped raise as his own son was suffering and the whole magic thing needed to stop, at least for the time being. Thankfully the girl was quick to comply with what was asked of her. Of course, that was when things had to start getting strange again; A doctor of all things came up to the girl and started asking her a barrage of questions, his desire to uncover information overriding the fact that there was currently a battle going on and he was actively distracting one of the people involved. A quick glance around at the field of battle to see what was going on before he attempted to step in to give the girl some breathing room proved fortunate as he witnessed the two arrows heading towards a hunter that had been either a bit to slow or a bit to unlucky and ended up getting infected... and the path side arrows were likely to take if they missed. His mind racing at speeds that only someone truly experienced with practical trigonometry and instinct, Draco's gun was in his hand faster then most people could blink as he lined up a shot with the infected hunter's leg before pulling the trigger. In theory, taking out said leg would drop him out of the way of the arrows; If he was lucky then the infection hadn't reached his legs and all he would suffer is a gunshot wound and possibly a broken leg... if he was unlucky then he was infected enough to be a supernatural creature and the bullet was going to cause... complications as it passed through, but the poor bugger would still be alive if treated properly. Dropping the gun, Draco turned around in order to charge and tackle the dragon girl out of harms as he shouted to the doctor "[color=f7976a] Get down![/color]"