[color=7bcdc8][h2]Orithius Pethris Wyrmwood [/h2][/color] [@KimmiNinja] Orithius's eyes rose to the ceiling for a moment, as he tried to recall his schedule - before he looked down at her again, his smile not fading. [color=7bcdc8][b]"A Rosalie - Rose, either way - I hear sweetest smells tend to cloy nonetheless - like a frightened child at it's mother..."[/b][/color] wait - that was not the quote? Right? Dammit. How did other people manage to be so charming without any effort. He had read Shakespeare too long ago, and with the stress of all of these people around him he could not even recall the most famous lines. He felt a frown grow on his face, and struggled to suppress it. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Um... I think I share the first class with you. Defense right? The one you barely pass?" [/b][/color]Shit. Don't point out flaws in other people! [color=7bcdc8][b]"I meant - you have been struggling with it, perhaps I can help?" [/b][/color]That is better. He closed his eyes - he could feel a small blush of frustration start to work its way up his neck. He looked away from her and scanned the crowd. This was going to be harder than he thought.[color=7bcdc8][b] "If you want - mind you."[/b][/color] He spoke again, not looking at her, and feeling the shame of not being able to even do such a basic thing as speak to a peer effectively - reaching his ears and cheeks, turning them slightly pink as well.