[@Marx] Oookey, I've read through the entire CS and I do find it interesting and cool. In reality it makes sense for qutie a few of our characters to be magic related cause well... the church makes sure magicians who doesn't keep a low profile get exiled or killed. Now that aside time to point out a few things and ask some questions ^_^. First I do like how the raven is the familiar because birds don't really exist anymore. It only makes sense one to get one through magic so I'm fine with that one, but I want some more info of this nether, what do you have in mind about it. Because as I said I'm pretty open to additional lore that you guys need for your characters, but I really need to know it won't conflict with anything in the future. Is it the realm of hte dead or is it something else? Because I see some things in his spells that say this nether has things in it used to create helfire which can't really be possible unless it's tied to the demon realm somehow. So a little more info here please ^_^