[center][h3] Kill the Spyder [/h3][/center] [sub] Concerning:[@WeepingLiberty][@shagranoz][@Rune_Alchemist][@Bishop][@Dark Light][@Xiro Zean][/sub] [center][b][color=00746b][h2]Arden[/h2][/color][/b] Chapter 1.5 Chores and duties [/center] [hr]([i]@ Bloodrose castle [/i])[hr] Arden was in deep contemplation of what the recent announcement meant to him. He took the opportunity to gather the names of the other witches. Nymphadora and Celia, they were the two witches he would have to accompany. He caught Celia gazing in his direction and quickly averted his eyes to the floor. She seemed kind, or at least soft enough not to trouble him too much but as for the other witch, Nymphadora, well Arden couldn't quite place her. Just then a rapping of the door cut through his thoughts and instinctively he slipped skilfully without notice from Rose and Miria's side towards the source of the sound. Now he could stand like a man, now he was a representation of Miria's belongings. Arden straightened his back, rolled his shoulders back and lifted his chin. With a gentlemanly grace he gripped the large brass handle and put some force behind his pull as the large old wooden door crept open. The the hinges creaked as the door passed over the floor swirling around a gentle breeze that lifted and caught some ancient long-sitting dust in stray beams of moonlight. Arden looked to the woman on the other side of the door, and greeted her with a simple nod. All the while he blocked the passage behind him and remained still and silent, patiently staring at her and the creature on her shoulder expectantly.