Everyone knows the Darcones. They are Archadian royalty. Their name carries weight. They are like the Alexanders of Dalmasca and Roselias of Rozarria. All three families represent their respective empires and/or kingdoms. But what about the lesser families? What about those that serve these royal families? What do they get? They might get some acknowledgement, but that’s the most you’ll ever see. In Dalmasca, you have the Quinns. They have served the royal family of Alexander since until Queen Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca ruled several hundred years ago. They served the Rosenbergs after Bosch von Rosenberg’s granddaughter, Raila von Rosenberg married the nephew of Ashelia, Vaan B’nargin Dalmasca to combine the two families. Over time, despite the shifting families of power, the Quinns remained as a branch of the main royal family, forever in their service no matter what. Archadia was no different. Only, instead of the family name being “Quinn”, the Archadian equivilant was the Wards. And rightly fitting so since only decades after the Solidors lost power of Archadia after Larsa III threatened to destroy what her namesake built. It was Bahamut’s great grandfather, Lagoon Darcone, declared war upon the Emperor Larsa Vayne Solidor III. The battles fought between the warring Houses was long. It lasted a full century. Only when Lagoon’s son and Hamut’s grandfather, Ignis Atrox Darcone, had taken control of the dwindling rule that an aging Larsa III had over Archadia. He was over 100 years old, yet was still breathing. But that wasn’t going to last long. Not only was life short, but the houses that served under him were losing faith, specifically the Wards. They saw that the Solidors were losing sight of what once made them great, and opted to switch to the Darcones. Since the Wards were more than half of their fighting force and they went up and declared themselves no longer in service of the House Solidor, the war didn’t last much longer. After the defeat of the remaining forces, Larsa Solidor III opted for suicide instead of facing his crimes against his own Empire. And as time would pass, each generation of Wards would be like distant aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, and cousins to the Darcones. Whenever they needed support, they provided it. When they needed extra fighting forces, they provided it. Whether it was then or now, House Ward was behind the Darcones. During the invasion of Dalmasca, led by Judge Ixion, the Wards were among the main fighting force on the ground. When the Crown Prince Grant needed direction, the Wards gave him manpower. Everything the Darcone’s wanted, House Ward gave them. But just hours ago, house Ward was requested by the current head of House Darcone, Hamut Darcone, to do something terrible. That was something they could not and [i]would not[/i] do. And they were vocal about it. When they opposed, Hamut ordered that all Wards be imprisoned. But one got away. This one was fortunate enough to be out of Archadia at the time. In fact, she was just getting off of an airship at the Archadia Aerodome. “Enjoy your stay at The Imperial City.” “[color=9966cc]Yeah, I suppose.[/color]” A [url=http://www.brentweeks.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Viridiana-portrait-by-Katrianna-A.jpg]woman[/url] said, seeming distracted about something. She walked through the gates. Looking to be barely past twenty-five, maybe twenty-six, she had hair of crimson and eyes of jade. Skin was flawless white, few freckles but nothing to be alarmed of. Her body was modestly proportioned. Average curves all around. She looked desirable enough to not look plain but not too much that she would stand out in a crowd of people. She wore loose beige pants held up by a brown leather belt that seemed to be three belts in one. On her torso, she had a simple red, sleaveless shirt, showing lean muscles. She also had a white headband that held her hair up, revealing a deformed ear. As she walked, trying not to run into anyone, she caught sight of three very recognizable people. The first was a blonde - and not archadian based on his clothing. Definitely a Rozarrian. She knew him because she knew his face. Lorenzo Roselia his name was. A loudmouth, but a passionate man. Lover of only one and father to one Nadeline Lenore Roselia. And beside him, “[color=9966cc]Empress Reia? What’s she doing here?[/color]” She mused, trying nto to get too close but the curiosity got the better of her. Empress Reia was with her brother in Archadia, so who was— The third person turned around. She almost didn’t recognize him. His body ink didn’t show, he wasn’t wearing his trademark red jacket, nor was his hair down to his shoulders. “[color=9966cc]Jackson Darcone,[/color]” she uttered with a gruff scoff. Right away, she took off to a run, as they were starting to turn back around. This was her chance. Right as they would get out of the doors… [I]WHAM![/i] The girl made contact with him. Her foot planted directly in the center of his back, sending him tumbling forward several times over until he hit a lamp post head-first. “[color=ed1c24]Ow![/color]” Jaakuna was bleeding. And before he would get that chance to collect himself, the girl had drove a knee into his spine, pressing his head more into the lamp post. She then turned him over, and made sure he saw her face before she kneed him in the place that no guy ever wanted to get kneed in. As a result, Jaakuna let out a not-so-manly squeel that would lessen his man points by a deep margin. More than that, but there were a few people snickering as they saw him get taken down by a girl. “[color=ed1c24]What the hell?[/color]” Jaakuna looked, and he couldn’t believe it. “[color=ed1c24]N-Nila?[/color]” JAakuna stuttered, “[color=ed1c24]Nila Ward? Is that you?[/color]” Jaakuna asked, coherent now. “[color=9966cc]Just who do you think you are, huh?[/color]” “[color=ed1c24][b]Me?![/b] I’m not the one who sneak attacked the guy currently trying not to cry again.[/color]” Nila took Jaakuna’s hair and fisted a handful into her hand, tugging at it to bring him closer to her face. “[color=9966cc]You know what I meant, you jackass.[/color]” JAakuna looked at her blank. “[color=9966cc]You left me. Not only that, but you didn’t take me with you when you left.[/color]” Nila’s voice was cracking with emotion. “[color=ed1c24]I don’t know what you’re talking about.[/color]” “[color=9966cc]Ten years ago! You promised me your hand in marriage after Savayna was betrothed to your brother![/color]” Nila yelled at the top of her lungs. All Jaakuna could do was look at Reia and Lorenzo, hoping to get some form of help. It wouldn’t come. Instead, he was left to deal with Nila Ward, angrily crying at him, punching his chest until her arms would give out(at the cost of his bruised chest, mind you). [hr] Wesley knew he had to soak up the journey back to Dalmasca. He knew once they reached it, the adventuring would be over for him and Nadeline, so that’s why he opted for the long way home. Several times over, they could have taken a path that was a shortcut to Rabanastre. But Wesley did it on purpose. He was sure Nadeline knew he was doign this on purpose. But, he didn’t care. He jsut wanted to savor it for as long as he could. As they reached the Estersand, Wesley felt something odd in the air. It was foul, yet familar. [color=a0410d][i]You feel that, don’t you Wesley?[/i][/color] “[color=fff79a]Wait, Nadeilne,[/color]” Wesley said, stopping in his tracks. He surely saw the Royal City of Rabanastre a tenth of a league away. He should keep going, but Hashmaal knew the reason. The foul stench in the air crippled Wesley. “[color=fff79a]I feel something...morbid in the air. Do you feel it too?[/color]” Wesley asked. [color=a0410d][i]She won’t feel it, Wesley. She doesn’t have the Seraph SEal yet. You are able to sense it because you possess my seal -the Order Seal. your awareness to corrupt mist is on the level of that Viera, Aloa. [/i][/color] Wesley was starting to understand that now. The way it felt, the way it forbade him from taking another step - it was enough to make the average man to break. And Wesley was near that point. He couldn’t move. Not even if he was forced by enemy attacks. Everything around him was too much. Wesley felt the weight of Zodiark’s precence forcing itself on every bone of his body. What was even worse, he felt the sense of dread. But there was something...else. “[color=fff79a]Hashmaal, what is that I sense?[/color]” Unlike before, when Hashmaal would speak, Nadeline would be able to hear him too. “[color=a0410d]I..do not know. It’s definitely Zodiark, but it’s something..different. I can’t place it. It’s...ancient, something unlikethis world has ever seen. Not since Venat, The Undying.[/color]” Wesley knew that name. It was back when Vayne of House Solidor threatened to claim Ivalice as his own. “[color=fff79a]What are you saying?[/color]” “[color=a0410d]I wish I knew.[/color]”