[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Xiao Lin[/color][/h2][/center] [@Joshua Tamashii] Continuing to silently observe his new classmates, Lin twisted a strand of his black hair, letting a look of boredom cross his face. Just watching everyone else get to know each other made him feel excessively isolated. Sick of hanging out in the woodwork like a moody teenager (which he was most certainly not, being only eleven years old), he walked up to the only other person he saw sitting alone: a girl about his age, blonde hair and blue eyes (like everyone here, it seemed), dressed casually although it was clear that her clothes were newer than Lin's. He wasn't really sure what language he should speak to introduce himself. He knew several, and seeing as this was a European school and she was a blonde White girl, it was likely she was from somewhere in the area. He hoped she spoke French or Italian. English, though he understood some, wasn't really his area of expertise. Though, considering Lin's general bad luck, she probably spoke Finnish or Russian or something else he didn't know. Not wanting to make assumptions, he sat down and waved silently, hoping she'd take the initiative and speak first. That would likely tell him all he needed to know to start a conversation.