[center][h1]Inside HPIS[/h1][/center] [h3]Hallway & A bit of Cell Block L-1[/h3] Nefas admittedly didn't expect the deflection of the attack. He knew he didn't look like someone to be meddled with but most would block a strike like this. That had been what he was betting on but Deprave instead countered with a sort of throw, landing Nefas squarely on his back and winding him a bit. As soon as he recovered Nefas was being spun, and facing down the barrel of two shotguns. He quickly pulled upwards as the first shot was fired, all missing his eyes and some pellets instead making their way into his open mouth and piercing his tongue and gums. This motion had two effects, dodging the blast, and harming Deprave, hitting him square in the sternum. This winded the man-demon enough for Nefas to wrest free, both of them losing some skin in the process. He would not be let up on though. He began to be sandwiched between a rock (Old N) and a hard place (A swarm of prisoners). Though they would clearly limit Deprave's movement and attacks, Nefas now had to deal with many enemy combatants at once. He would deal with Old N first, hitting him with an open arm strike that would knock him both back and down. Turning to face the swarm, head cast downwards to avery the gaze of Grog's cannons, Nefas began slaughtering the wave of freed prisoners armed with small blades. Many bounced off of him as he began decapitating men, women, and demons with swift chops from his hand. Every now and then he began to feel a bit weaker as a contact poison struck him, but that was far from enough to kill him. His gaze being cast down though, Nefas did not notice the two assailants above him, the King from the side, and Poncho from above. As both of them struck simultaneously, Poncho with a double axe handle and the King with a backstab. Neither did much, except getting Nefas to gaze up at them. Nefas grasped Poncho's poncho and threw him at Deprave and Grog, before elbowing the King with enough force to crack all of his ribs at once and knock him back a bit. But that didn't mean all was for not. the King's draining had weakened Nefas's skull. If a significantly powerful blow hit him there, it would pierce his hide. [h3]Near Betty's Cell[/h3] Listening intently, the Headguard (his nametag identified him as Mike) gazed wearily around the hall, listening and watching intently for the first strike, cattle-prod in hand and poised to strike. His ears perked just so as Kritch murmured in the vents. He prepared himself, ready to dodge or strike, maybe even defend considering how small his opponent must be. He couldn't prepare for what happened next though. A black cloud of smoke shot from the vent, at him. Mike shut his mouth and eyes tight and swung his weapon at the intruder, but neglected to block his nose. As the smoke entered it, and flowed into his brain, Mike realized he had probably fucked up. Kritch's hand began manifesting a split second later, smashing Mike's grey matter against his skull and stopping most higher brain function. As Kritch pulled what little of his hand was left away, all that was left was Mike's lower brain. It was all he needed to know that the other man approaching was bad news. He could no longer recognize or remember the man, V, but his eyes dilated and his arms seemed to move up to protect himself even as his rod dropped to the floor. As he attempted to breath in, a great effort with such a mashed brain, Mike would breath in the ozone, almost destroying his lungs as well. He was down for the count. Retrieving the keys from the body, either of them could now open up the door and put Betty in the bag. Someone ought to call Bartender and tell him to get the car ready.