[color=C71585][h2]Tamamo No Mae[/h2][/color] The warmth of true companionship blossomed between the joined hands of Himiko and Tamamo, one forged of common ancestry and a shared understanding that would carry them through this modern conflict. Even if it was so tenuous as to only last this one life, the kitsune Caster would cherish it with the same reverence she held for her Master. [color=C71585]"Worry no more, my dearest friend."[/color] Tamamo spoke, easing down on the volume of her voice so as not to broadcast Himiko's every concern to the entire hall. She was boisterous, yes, but Tama knew well enough her nervous friend was still concerned with maintaining her public image. [color=C71585]"I am more then an aspect of a Goddess or a simple Servant. I had spent many happy years of my life as a concubine of the Imperial Court, and it has left me with the greatest adoration for the bonds of sisterhood, as well as a plethora of knowledge in enticing the interests of the most mercurial men on a mental, and physical level."[/color] Any woman could lay on their back and offer their bodies, but to be witty, skilled, and alluring all the while was a true art worthy of dedicating oneself, as Tamamo once did. Looking over Himiko's Master, it was doubtful they'd have the years it would take to have her ready for Imperial heirs, but the standards of the modern era were far lesser then that of her old aristocracy, so Tamamo was already certain Ravel would have her pick of the litter when she was through educating her. Himiko too, if the kitsune Caster had anything to say about it. Compounding this joyous occasion was the outpouring of support from her Master, who was all too glad to see the Servants happily joined together. Tamamo saw this lack of jealousy on Seyrun's part as a sign of good character, and was further validated when the Master pulled out her phone to try and supplement Tamamo's experience with modern methodology. While she may have been confident in her abilities, it wouldn't hurt to see what was popular nowadays and whether these techniques were worth adding to her wheelhouse. [color=C71585]"But I do believe my Master has a point. We were summoned for a reason, so we will have to begin your instructions properly at another time."[/color] Tamamo said with a with a hint of remorse before leaning across the table once more to whisper, [color=C71585]"We can meet after our Master's go to bed in the evening. Plenty of time to learn it yourself before instructing your Master, nay~?"[/color] Knowing she needed no response to the rhetorical, the kitsune Caster rose from her chair with only a moments pause to pat her garb back to its immaculate state. There were places to go, Grails to find, and undoubtedly people standing in her Master's way that needed to be removed. Thus was the nature of every quest for the Grail, and Tamamo No Mae was certain to carry her Master to end, even if she plunged into the depths of Yomi to do it. [@KoL] [@ADamnFiddle] [@Nanashi Ninanai]