[color=6ecff6][h2]Rosalie Von Kruger[/h2][/color] [@Almosegosum] --- Rosalie notices that Orithius is stumbling over his words and realizes that this is indeed his first year that he is actually interacting with another student socially. Instead of getting offended she gives him a smile "I know what you mean, you don't have to be embarrassed talking to me." When he offers her to help her in Magical Defense, she couldn't say no, after all, he seemed flustered just talking to her. [color=6ecff6]"This is your first time talking to another student other than group work right? How about I help you socially interact with people here and you help me pass this class deal?" [/color] Rosalie's face beams up, holding out her hand for him to shake. The friends that she made here are the friendly and interactive kind. They would be perfect in giving the environment Orithius would need to improve on his social skills. The crowd outside begin empty out as students go on to fill up the classrooms. [color=6ecff6]"We should get going, won't want to be late no?" [/color]