[center][h2][color=00a99d]Pierre Roux[/color][/h2][/center] [@Arya10108909] Someone had passed the air user and spoken so quietly only he could hear it. Falling down the stair...? That was a bit rude now, wasn't it? Had Pierre been mistaken as a first year already? Although the boy was still a bit short for his age where voices were supposed to change and facial hair was supposed to grow in, he didn't want to be seen as someone who was helpless! Don't worry about not having powers today, just say that one of the professors said told him not to use his powers unless it was an emergency, that was it! Pierre almost ran after her, his quick steps nimble because he was always aware how loud they could be with his special ability. Plus, running loudly basically hurt his ears... a lot. He finally caught up with the blonde haired first year and put a hand on her shoulder. Even if his feet could do the job, his breathing didn't have as much endurance, [color=00a99d]"Isn't... that rather... rude to say to your upperclassman?"[/color] In truth, it was rather rude for Pierre to just guess that the girl was a new student. Sure, he hadn't seen her before but... If he was wrong, this would make the whole conversation even more embarrassing. Afraid he was actually going to scare the girl, after taking a few deep breaths he stood up straight and patted the shoulder he was touching, [color=00a99d]"Sorry for the scolding... Hi! I'm Pierre Roux, a second-year air elemental! You're new to the school, right? If you have any question, just let your dear old upperclassman know!"[/color]