[center] [color=silver][h3]~Celia Mockett~[/h3][/color] [/center] [@WeepingLiberty][@Dark Light][@Ellion][@Xiro Zean] [hr] Of course Rose was here, and of course she'd advocate getting a bell. Also that apparently they were going to have to get to work. Celia shifted her gaze from Arden to Rose, giving the more experienced witch her usual stare. The rather poorly hidden comment about her work ethic didn't bother Celia too much. It was true, after all, that she wasn't one to work so it was silly to get worked up over it. It still didn't mean she didn't feel somewhat annoyed, but it wasn't worth the trouble to try and refute. More importantly, she was being sent to kill something. Celia tilted her head quizzically. She was hungry, and had a fairly important question she wanted to ask. But then, it was better to seek forgiveness than ask permission, no? So instead she remained silent. She shouldn't eat too much otherwise the spirit might get a bit more restless, but it was getting a bit unbearable at this point...maybe she could take a bite or two during the fight if she was careful. Just something to satiate the creature. A soft rapping at the door caught her ears. Celia sighed, standing in her usual somewhat tired manner as she got to her feet. Well, might as well go ahead and get standing and wait for the others to get going so she could conveniently be at the back of their little party and let them do most of the work. Maybe they could kill it and she could just sit there and look pretty. [center] [color=f26522][h3]~Phoebe Longhurst~[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [@Bright_Ops][@Noxx][@Deos Morran][@13org][@shagranoz][@Superboy][@Fetzen] Fire was doing wonders as ever. The creatures, gnomes, were weak against gods cleansing flame as any other. Unfortunately, it seemed through devilish trickery that they were able to somehow persist after death, and possess those who had been afflicted with some form of injury. Fine, then. She'd just have to burn them again and again, if she had too. Granted, she didn't have enough firebombs for that, unless she could get all of them clustered together and take them out with her last three. [b]"The girl who tosses flames... She thinks to underestimate us. I want her dead."[/b] Ha. She was perhaps a bit [i]too[/i] eager for burning these despicable creatures, but one might at least take a bit enjoyment as long as they didn't get carried away. A bolt whizzed across the battlefield, coming right for the possessed hunter. Good, a good perfect distraction. Even if he was somehow able to dodge the bolts she wasn't going to pass up the opportunity. [color=f26522]"Ha...look at you, poor sod. Possessed by a creature that can barely be called a demon."[/color] As far as Phoebe cared, he was now just another target to be slain. A creature to be hunted. Helping him was completely out of the question. Once one was tainted by magical forces of any kind, there was no redemption other than what the lord could give. Another firebomb left her hands, being tossed right towards the possessed hunter. [hider=Tools] Firebomb x2 Holy water x2 Throwing knives x15 Nets x4 Bolts x10 Lavender and Wolfsbane [/hider]